Minutes: July 11 BoD Meeting
/July Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: July 11th, 2017
LOCATION: Pulcinella Restaurant, McLean VA
Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM.
Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Dave Fitzgerald
Chuck Edmondson
Anne Callihan
Eric Wallgren
Members Absent
Brian Garfield
Steve Salisbury
Minutes from June had been previously approved, unanimously, via email.
In CR Investment Fund as of 05.31.2017- $685,860.68
In CR Cash Fund as of 05.31.2017- $100,000.00
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $785,860.68
In Solo Fund as of 06.30.2017- $18,688.61
In Region Checking as of 06.30.2017- $146,706.20
Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 06/30/2017)- $146,706.20
All of our Programs that ran events in June came up short on the expected numbers of
competitors. Club Racing had the largest shortfall, 55 cars, at MARRS 5. CR had some good events earlier in the year which will offset some of the lost income. Possible changes in the budget and schedule are being discussed to avoid this in the future.
I had a very interesting jumbo region conference call with National the Thursday after the last
board meeting. Mike Cobb was introduced as the new President of SCCA and spent a few minutes talking about his background and expectations going forward. He is, and has been an active autocrosser and is a member of the Houston Region. An active discussion among the REs on the call followed, generally around costs of both club racing and PDX programs and their inter relationship. This is only the second conference call since I have been RE and the plan going forward is to have them at least every other month if not monthly.
There has been substantial feedback from the stewards about the board’s actions regarding
“gravelgate”. I had face to face meetings with several of our stewards at MARRS 5 and email
conversations with two others explaining the board’s reasoning. All seemed reasonably satisfied that the board’s actions were not directed at the stewards, but rather at the execution of the MARRS 1 gravel situation.
Mathew Yip scheduled a track inspection for Dominion to approve it for time trials and it has been approved. The plan is for that to be part of the September PDX weekend. I met with Edwin Pardue of Dominion Raceway on Friday June 23rd. We toured the track and looked at improvements made. There has been progress, but work still needs to be done to bring it up to a really good level. We discussed the September PDX & Time Trials. We also agreed on several changes to the contract for the event.
At the request of the DCR, a meeting was held with the DCR, ADCR, SSM representative,
steward’s representative and myself to discuss the recent issues with both the facts and the
perceived issues from SSM (and other) drivers. It was a good discussion with honest opinions
exchanged. Several suggestions for ways to handle issues going forward were suggested and will be looked at.
MARRS 5 on June 17-18 seriously under-performed in terms of car count versus what was
projected. The final count of 145 entrants was 55 fewer cars than projected, and 45 cars fewer than this same event in 2016. The race was scheduled on both the SARRC calendar and the V8 Road Racing Series calendar, but those two series contributed fewer than 10 cars combined to the car count. It is disappointing that the SARRC series in particular does not reciprocate the number of cars we consistently send to VIR for the May event. The most commonly cited reason for the lower attendance was the schedule, and the number of races (MARRS and Majors) scheduled in the North East during June and July. Serious thought needs to be given to the number of Summit Point races the Region can support as we move into the upcoming contract negotiations with Summit Point Raceway.
The DCR, Assistant DCR, RE, and Steward’s Representative met with the SSM Drivers
Representative on July 1 to discuss issues and perceptions related to race operations and Stewards’ actions. The hour and a half discussion was productive, and all sides left the meeting with a better understanding of each other’s positions, and a feeling that there would be less tension and mistrust moving forward.
The DCR’s temporary work relocation to Denver will end on July 24, and he anticipates that he
will be at MARRS 7 on July 29-30.
As of 9 July 2017, the Washington DC Region of SCCA has 2501 active members according to
national reporting.
51 memberships expired in May 2017 and 53 joined or re-joined the region in May 2017.
Recent Activities (highlights)
- Planning efforts are underway for the 2017 Season Awards Banquet at Turf Valley Resort
on 11 November 2017
- Planning is also underway for the Labor Day charity event at Summit Point during the Labor
Day MARRS event. The beneficiary for this event for 2017 is The American Cancer Society.
- Work on the website refresh project has stalled. We are planning on resurrecting the project
soon and will gather for a website-specific meeting in the next 30-60 days. The goal is to have a redesigned and functioning website in place before the end of 2017.
- Sponsorships are in place with OG Racing and Radial Tire Co for 2017. We have payment from
OG Racing and expect a check from Radial Tire soon. Any assistance with potential future sponsors from the Board and Program Chairs is appreciated.
- The quarterly Straightpipe issue was recently published and well received by the member-
ship. We continue to receive positive feedback and comments from members on the Straightpipe and the Straightpipe blast.
- Investigating new membership outreach events including a Katie's Cars and Coffee event.
- PDX promotional video completed and ready for use, investigating videos for other programs.
July event is this weekend on the Shenandoah, and is low on instructors, so groups (particularly novices) were capped early. Per MSR on Monday, there are 72 entries for Saturday and 57 for Sunday. These numbers do not include instructors.
The August 26-27 event (also on the Shenandoah) is now open, and currently has 21 entries.
Close to contract with Dominion for September – see RE’s report for further details.
Note from Travis: “Noticed in the recent SportsCar issue that their "how to go racing" article actually promotes one of our main 'competitors' - Hooked on Driving. Nothing against them personally, (they're good people in fact) but they're no more a "Racing school" than PDX is -- we both are in the "HPDE" market. Frustrating that the club is continuing to work against its own programs.”
Mostly quiet on the PDX front at the present time.
Still waiting for details on Dominion contract (which Paul and Lin have seen) for the tentatively
scheduled event on September 12-13.
Travis intends to step down from the chairmanship role at the end of 2017; Chuck Edmondson
has agreed to assume the mantel for 2018.
Next scheduled event is July 15-16 on the Shenandoah Circuit.
No Report Submitted.
No Report Submitted.
The June 25th event was well attended with 235 competitors.
As tested at the above event, we are now generator free and should have no issues with our
permits for the county. We have paid for all the rest of the event permits.
We will have pricing for the trailer proposal in the next two to three weeks. We're still working with a manufacturer on "refining" the pricing.
The new farm tech timing equipment that we're being loaned for testing seems to be working out well. We should have a decision soon if we will be upgrading to this system.
Election Committee Report:
The Election Committee submitted their formal report to the BoD. The Committee recommends
the following Candidates, in Member Nr order: C. Wayne Armbrust – Mike McKee – Hayes Lewis – John Nesbitt and Shawn Roberts
Motion Toland: To approve the Nominees presented to the BoD, Snyder 2nd – Vote Unanimous
Region Bylaw Revision:
The BoD has been working ‘off-line’ tweaking the by-laws revision. The final version was presented to the BoD for consideration. The Proposed By-Laws revision which represents a rewrite of the By-Laws will appear on the Annual Membership Ballot for Approval by the Membership.
Motion Edmondson: To approve the proposed By-Laws revision, Snyder 2nd - Vote Unanimous.
The RE has submitted to the National Office for their review.
Club Racing Charter:
With discussions concerning 2018 Race Schedule beginning in the near future a revision had
been proposed by Director Edmondson. The Proposal was originally submitted for review via email and after a brief electronic debate the revised Charter was submitted to the Director of Club Racing and the Assistants. With their concurrence the revision was presented to the BoD for consideration. There was a brief discussion primarily revisiting the previous electronic debate.
Motion Callihan: To approved the proposed revision to the Club Racing Charter effective immediately, Wallgren 2nd – Vote Unanimous.
Bracket Racing:
Directors Edmondson and Toland have been discussing the process of how do we get Bracket
Racing back on the Racing Program. The CRC had previously indicated that there needs to be a
Marketing Plan and further discussions indicated it needed to focus on Drivers outside SCCA.
Director Edmondson proposed a plan that included: (1) Replacing the Billboard at Summit Point with one focusing more on attracting Non-SCCA Drivers to our events even if their vehicle would not be Legal for a current Class, (2) Directed Facebook advertising aimed at racers in other organizations allowed to compete with SCCA (i.e. NASA, PCA, BMW, HSR, SVRA etc., Full Competition Licenses), (3) Advertising in Grassroots Motorsports.
Motion Toland: Set aside $10,000 from the General Fund for Marketing Bracket Racing,
Callihan 2nd – Vote Unanimous.
Motion to Adjourn Lin Toland, 2nd by Anne Callihan Vote Unanimous.
Meeting ended 8:25 PM