Join us for DC RallyCross!
It's racing on dirt, gravel, grass, and sometimes mud! Changing conditions challenge drivers to be consistent.
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Questions or comments? Email RallyCross program chair Adam Kimmett
For the latest updates please see and "like" our Facebook page
—> 2024 RallyCross Season Subscriptions Available here! <—
Summit Point Motorsports Park
Summit Point RallyCross Arena
201 Motorsports Park Circle
PO Box 190
Summit Point, WV 25446
Panthera Training Center
2506 Fish Pond Rd
Old Fields, WV 26845
We are seeking additional locations to hold events. If you are a property owner or know of a property that may be of interest, please click here.
Is this like Stage Rally or X-Games?
Kind of, but without the high risk of danger and damage. This is rally but for street cars, too. RallyCross courses are designed to avoid hitting trees, flipping your car, or crashing into a ditch. There are no gap jumps, stream crossings, or cliff-sides.
Can I do this with my car?
YES. Pretty much any car at or near stock height can do it, as long as you don't mind getting it dirty. Lots of folks bring their daily-drivers out or find cheap "Craigslist beaters". You do not need a fancy race car to come race with us!
Will my car be damaged?
Not if you drive within your – and your car's – limits. Your suspension will get a workout and your car will get dirty but don't expect your paint to be 100% perfect afterwards.
Does my car need to be modded or “set up" for rallycross?
No. Any car can run, and any car can win. You just need to hone your driving abilities. You will need a helmet. We do not require a roll cage, race seat, fire suit, or other expensive safety device but anything to increase your safety is encouraged. We even have loaner helmets for the first-timers!
Where is the racing?
The Washington DC Region of SCCA holds RallyCross events throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. Check the online registration system to find out when/where the next scheduled events are.
How do I find out more?
Feel free to come to one of our events to see how things go. Most drivers are happy to give ride-alongs. Rallycross events are laid-back where everyone is friendly and eager to chat about the sport.
What's the next step to get involved?
Read our supplementary regulations (available below). They will give you a good idea of how our events operate and will answer 98% of your questions. Once you've read the supplemental regulations head to to get registered!
Worker position and responsibility
RallyCross events are operated and staffed by the competitors. Each competitor in a RallyCross event must perform the requirements of work a position. For more information about worker positions, please click here.
Rallycross Resource Library
NOTE: The resource library is off-site, hosted on Google Drive. Visit the resource library to access the following:
Supplementary Regulations
RallyCross Insurance Certification
SCCA Minor Waiver