Minutes: June 13 BoD Meeting

June Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: June 13, 2017
LOCATION: Holiday Inn, College Park, MD
Meeting Called to order at 7:02 PM.

Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Dave Fitzgerald
Chuck Edmondson
Eric Wallgren
Steve Salisbury

Members Absent
Brian Garfield
Anne Callihan

Guests: Penny Anderson, Russ Gardner & Evanthe Salisbury

Minutes from May had been previously approved, unanimously, via email.

In CR Investment Fund as of 05.31.2017- $685,860.68
In CR Cash Fund as of 05.31.2017- $100,000.00
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $785,860.68
In Solo Fund as of 05.31.2017- $18,688.61
In Region Checking as of 05.31.2017- $222,979.63

Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 06/13/2017)- $152,475.92

There continues to be negative feedback from some SSM drivers about steward’s actions. The
latest being a decision made at the MARRS event at NJMP. From my standpoint, there is justification on both sides, however this has led to some drivers threatening a boycott of the next MARRS event this coming weekend.

Mathew Yip is scheduling a track inspection for Dominion to approve it for time trials. The plan is for that to be part of the September PDX weekend. Edwin Pardue has asked about scheduling a dinner meeting with Travis and myself to discuss the event and other plans and we are trying to set a date that works for all.

The new President of SCCA is in place and there is a conference call scheduled for this Thursday evening with the REs of jumbo regions to introduce him. I will report to the board at the next meeting.

Our contract with Summit Point is due for renewal at the end of this year. I plan on waiting until Greg McDermott is back before beginning negotiations with the track. That will also include discussing the dates referred to in my last report.

It was a relatively quiet month in the Club Racing Program with no home events since the last
BoD meeting.

Car counts for MARRS 2 and 3 at VIR were right on budget projections. We billed NCR for 107
cars on Saturday, and 100 cars on Sunday, and we had budgeted for 100 each day. Car counts for MARRS 4 at NJMP also were right on our budget estimate. NCR has already paid us for MARRS 2 and 3, South Jersey has been billed for the NJMP MARRS

Car counts for MARRS 5 this weekend are lagging significantly behind the budget estimates, and significantly behind the last several years. As of 9:30 this morning we are only at 150 cars, when budget was based on 200 cars. The reason for the low numbers for this event are not clear, especially since this race is also a SARRC event, and a V8 Road Racing Series event.

Our car counts the past 5-years for this event have been as follows:

2016: 191 (180 MARRS, 11 SARRC)
2015: 188 (180 MARRS, 8 SARC)
2014: 167
2013: 169
2012: 205

I based the car count for 2017 on 180 MARRS, 10 SARRC, 10 V8RRS.

Though there was talk amongst a contingent of the SSM drivers of boycotting this race because of unhappiness with Steward actions at MARRS 1 and MARRS 4, the current SSM car count is about 12 - 15 less than expected, and doesn't fully explain the low overall car count for the event. Hopefully we will have some last minute registrations to lessen the event shortfall.

As of 11 June 2017 The Washington DC Region of SCCA has 2533 active members according to national reporting. 76 memberships expired in April 2017 and 53 joined or re-joined the region in May 2017. 195 members have birthdays this month.

Recent Activities (highlights)
Planning is underway for the 2017 Season Awards Banquet at Turf Valley Resort on
11 November 2017

Planning is also underway for the Labor Day charity event at Summit Point during the Labor
Day MARRS event. The beneficiary for this event for 2017 is The American Cancer Society

Work on the website refresh project has stalled due to a departure of one of the project team
members. We are hoping to get this moving again soon.

Sponsorships are in place with OG Racing and Radial Tire Co for 2017. We have payment from OG and expect check from Radial very soon. The trade agreement with RacingJunk is unchanged and we are fulfilling our requirements as agreed. Other sponsorship arrangements have been investigated but haven't panned out for a number of reasons.

The quarterly Straightpipe issue is nearly complete and should be out shortly.

Investigating new membership outreach events including a Katie's Cars and Coffee event.
Plans to attend the Boxerfest 2017 event at FedEx field fell through due to a lack of available
support from the Solo committee.

PDX promotional video completed and ready for use, investigating videos for other programs.

Next event is July 15-16; registration is currently open.

Contract for September event at Dominion is not yet finalized, although deposit is paid; a meeting should be scheduled soon.

No Report Submitted.

No Report Submitted.

No Formal Report Submitted.


Bylaw Review:
The Board conducted an in-depth, section by section review, of the new Draft Bylaws aided by 2 non-BoD members of the Bylaws Committee. There was an excellent exchange of thoughts and ideas and after the review consensus, we believe, was reached. The revised Draft was returned to the committee with the agreed upon revisions. The plan is for the draft bylaws to be updated and then submitted to the BoD electronically for review and hopefully approval.

Elections Committee:
Attempts to identify qualified candidates continues, unfortunately thus far only 1 Candidate has
been identified. Incumbents seeking re-election are: NONE

Request came from Allegheny Highlands Region to hold a series of RallyCross events in Western Maryland. Events are estimated to be held on Aug. 20th, Sep. 10th and Nov 5th. Our RallyCross Chairman has indicated no objection they do not fall against our dates.

Motion to Approve: Toland, 2nd: Edmondson, Vote Unanimous.

Solo Committee has requested approval to purchase a few Power Inverters and solar panels. They have been told by Prince Georges County that they need many Permits, including Occupancy, Special Event, Tent, and Generator permits. The cost of the permits would easily put the Solo Program into a large negative budget situation. The event day inspections required by these permits are burdensome and could impact the running of the event. Inverters and tents 8’x8’ and smaller do not require permits. By purchasing inverters, Solo would avoid the most expensive permit fees and would not have to wait for an inspection on event day before running cars. Estimated Cost $4,500

Motion to approve: Wallgren, 2nd: Callihan, Vote: Unanimous.

Motion to Adjourn: Lin Toland, 2nd: Callihan, Vote Unanimous.
Meeting ended 9:45 PM