Build, Break, Fix, Repeat Podcast featuring WDCR members Joe Obernberger, Baron Mills, and Travis Dixon

From Break/Fix:

Episode title: The New & Improved SCCA HPDE

A panel of folks from the Washington DC region of the Sports Car Club of America (WDCR SCCA) joined Break/Fix to educate us on their new & improved High Performance Drivers Education (HPDE) program. With us was Chief Instructor Joe Obernberger, Assistant Chief Instructor Baron Mills and former HPDE chairman Travis Dixon. 

Our goal is to continue the conversation we’ve been having with our listeners over several Break/Fix episodes where we introduce the idea of High Performance Driving to folks that are new to Motorsports; Folks who are curious about what they can do with the sports car they have sitting in their garage - or maybe aren’t aware that organizations like SCCA offer a service like HPDE.

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement VOTE TODAY for our BoD!

Our 2021-2023 Board of Directors election begins today and will be concluded at the Annual Meeting.  On-line voting at (MSR) is available now and ends Sunday October 11th at 11:59 pm.  Biographies of candidates running can be found here.  There are three positions for election to the Board this year and you may vote for up to three candidates.  Candidates are listed on the ballot in member number order, per our bylaws.

Please note that you must be a Washington DC Region member to vote in this election. This email is being sent to the distribution list of all DC Region members in the National SCCA database - but we need your help. Please check with your friends and forward to anyone who is a DC Region member but may not have received this (if their email address is wrong or not updated at National). We want all our members to vote!

Please also note that if you do not have an account in MSR you will need to set one up to vote online. Click here to set up an account in MSR.

Mark your calendars for the Washington DC Region's Annual Meeting.

The open members' Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13th 2020 at 8:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Chantilly Dulles Expo,4335 Chantilly Shopping Center Chantilly, Virginia 20151.

For assistance with voting, please contact Heidi Weir in the Club Office.

We hope to see everyone at the Annual Meeting!


View the candidates:

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement UPDATE for School & MARRS Race!

In his press conference and COVID-19 update briefing today, Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia outlined the current status on West Virginia's recovery plan through a short summary, followed by an extended Q&A period with news agencies. In his summary and answers he made clear there will be no further changes or closures at this time. There are no plans to scale back the reopening any further. Focus has shifted to Monongalia County as the previous week's closures will remain in place at least through Friday and likely to be extended considering the present rate of positive testing.

Governor's mandate for indoor use of masks will remain in place.  This news is good for us, we can move ahead with our programs as planned.  We will open the weekend with a Competition Racing School on Friday as planned and follow up with a weekend of racing at its best. Summer Sun and hot racing at Summit Point Motorsports Park .

Welcome to MARRS 2020.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement YOU CAN RUN for the BoD!

Greetings Washington DC Region Members,

The DC Region Board of Directors (BoD) Election Committee is actively seeking Members interested in running for a position on the Board. This is your chance to shape the long-term direction of our Club and get an inside view of the inner workings of the Programs.

The 'Official' job description of a Board member can be found at WDCR Bylaws. For a more in-depth description of the Board's responsibilities, see Article V.   Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM and usually over by 9:00-9:30. An additional 2-3 hours a week is spent on Region business outside of the meetings. It's a unique opportunity to be involved in the operation of one of the largest Regions in SCCA.

The qualifications are:

  1. The candidate must be a Member in good standing.  

  2. The candidate must have been a Member for no less than two (2) years on the date of the close of nominations.

  3. The candidate must be no less than 18 years of age on the date of the close of nominations.

  4. The candidate shall not be an owner, director or officer of an organization whose mission, events or activities compete with the Region's or SCCA's events or activities.

  5. Previous board members must not have served as a Director in the most recent 18 months prior to the close of balloting of the then-pending election.

The Election Committee has identified a few nominees who have agreed to run for a position; they are Kevin Rychlik, Scott Merker, and Janet Mocati.  Incumbents whose terms are expiring and are running for re-election are Wayne Armbrust and Shawn Roberts.  Alan Olson is not seeking re-election.  More information about each of the candidates will be sent in the coming weeks and will also be available on our website soon.

You can get on the ballot via a nomination from the Election Committee or you may submit a petition. Petition requirements are listed in the WDCR Bylaws, (Article 4.05 a.). All nominees must be received by the Board no later than August 14th, 2020.

Results will be announced at the Region's Annual Membership meeting October 13, 2020.

If you are interested in running for the BoD, or would just like more information, please reach out to any of the Committee members listed below.  

The Election Committee members are:

Alan Olson -
Wayne Armbrust -

July 2020 Racing School Status (Update)

Washington DC Region 2020 Racing School is currently scheduled for 24 July 2020. Subject to regulatory control from West Virginia Courts, we are awaiting a re-assessment of the Court Orders placing all of West Virginia under tightly restricted operating conditions.

Although these conditions could be met to some degree, it is also directly dependent on participation of our volunteer officials and instructors. Plans are to move ahead with the program unless the courts decline modifying the restrictions. Summit Point Management is doing everything within its ability to assure we are able to proceed with the Competition Racing School Program.

We await the decision of the West Virginia Justice System Court's review of the current Court Orders scheduled for Monday 20 July 2020, to make any decision on the process of presenting the Competition Racing School as planned.

Under current conditions, any decision to change plans will not be made until Tuesday morning 21 July 2020. Any change will be sent out prior to 10:00AM Tuesday morning.

It is our intent to host this school, if at all possible.

We sincerely regret any stress, inconvenience, or uncertainty involved in this situation.

Current expectations are for the MARRS racing portion to continue as scheduled through the remainder of the weekend. 

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

SCCA DC Region Racing School for Comp. License, Rescheduled for July 24th, 2020

SCCA DC Region Racing School for Comp. License, Rescheduled for July 24th, 2020

We are excited to announce plans for a return to operations starting in July. The Washington DC Region SCCA will be conducting a Racing School for Competition License (7/24) and a MARRS Regional Race (7/25-7/26) in late July.

Latest Road Racing schedule and format for the remaining events on the 2020 calendar is also being updated.

Read More

Region Update for 6/9/2020

Note: This will be the last of the Region Executive's COVID-19 Weekly Status Summaries. We are returning to Track Events and operations as well as trying to normalize our schedule and budget. We are back!

The most exciting At Summit Point, in addition to a Race we will have a One Day Driver School Set for Friday 24 July. Followed by a Road Racing weekend Saturday and Sunday 25-26 July. Thursday 23 July is set for a Track Practice Day.

(Note from Club Office: Planning is underway for the school and the full weekend, please be patient - lots more details are coming soon - I will be in touch).

At each of the upcoming Track Event HPDE/TT Programs, (June 20-21 @ Summit Point and June 27-28 @ Dominion Raceway) we are providing Tech Days program to sign off Annual Inspections on competition car Log Books prior to 25-26 July Race at Summit Point. Hopefully this will help reduce crowding at the Tech Building at Summit Point when we have the first race of the season that weekend.

Our Autocross Program is in a challenging position of having lost access to some of the venues due to car storage, localized schedule and agreement changes, and National Event scheduling. August or later may be the remaining option for the program to get underway.

Anywhere we run, we will still be under State and local guidelines and directives as to use of PPE and safe health procedures. In order to remain in good standing with our Track Partners and the governing state officials, we will have to wear our masks, watch our distancing, and take proper cleaning procedures seriously.

Board of Directors Meeting 09 June 2020:

We have formed a nominations Committee to seek out potential candidates for our Board of Directors. Each year three positions come up for consideration. As always we are interested in people familiar with our Programs and Operations as well as willing to commit the time and effort in a leadership role. Each Director takes an active part in our overall management and operations program.

Our Member Services program is developing ideas and planning for the long-term future. Looking into member participation, retention, and engagement.

All program registrations will be consolidated under one service. will become the single source on-line Registration Service provider for Washington DC Region Programs.

Included in the Board's actions was approval of use of Speed/eWaivers for our Programs. This customized electronic event sign-in will operate similar to use of eTickets when traveling. An electronic confirmation of your agreement to a waiver will be available through your mobile phone, laptop, or home computer.  Signing in at Registration may become as simple as scanning a bar code, on your phone or printed out eWaiver, then you are in! Less paper and contact time can also help with minimizing health exposures.

Ron Shellenberger discussed use and availability of PPE for our events. He explained to the Board of Directors he will available to assist in advice, guidance, and PPE material acquisition as needed.

The Board adjourned with no further business.

National Teleconference:

Following the Tuesday night Board of Directors meeting, WDC Region Executive and BoD Autocross Liaison Officer Mike McKee joined the SCCA Regions' Teleconference Update. SCCA is getting back into full swing with its operations. All events are working out well with PPE use and adjusted operational policies. Thus far there have been no significant issues or non-compliance problems.

SCCA events in Wisconsin have been allowing spectators based on social distancing and available square footage of the property. Successful use of PPE and Social Distancing was met with enthusiasm. No issues reported.

On another front, JDP (Junior Driver Program) affiliated with autocross operations have been suspended and placed into a review process. Program safety is being carefully examined and reviewed how it is applied across the country. Intent is to reintroduce JDP back into the operating programs as soon as the concerning issues are resolved.

 A final disposition on the Speed/eWaivers (mentioned above in the WDCR BoD Meeting) is they are approved by the SCCA K&K Insurance carrier for the next 60 days. At that time, it is believed there will be a final approval or revision that will become permanent under the insurance carrier.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Region Update for 6/2/2020

Discussions with track facilities, both Dominion Raceway and Summit Point Raceway, on cooperative guidelines for event operations are in progress. We have a moving target, but the advantage is that it's an improving picture that keeps changing for the better.

Most everyone is aware we are on schedule with our Track Events programs for June 20-21 at Summit Point and June 27-28 at Dominion Raceway. Rumors have it that places are booking up fast. At each of the Track Event HPDE/TT Programs, we will also be hosting a Tech Days program to sign off Annual Inspections on Competition car Log Books prior to the 25-26 July MARRS Race at Summit Point.

Our Region's Road Racing Committee has put out a general survey, we've received very positive response about scheduling a school this season and we are looking seriously at a combination school/regional event in July. Saturday 06 June our Road Racing Committee is meeting in full to lay the plans for that very special July date.

Our Program leadership has been working hard on outlining what we have to do to keep everyone safe and in compliance with all directives, guidelines, and best practices.

Unexpected nationwide civil disruptions have thrown a curve in the COVID-19 plans and recovery processes. Political focus has shifted considerably. We still anticipate week to week progress in things improving toward normalization. However, through the balance of the 2020 season a few things are a given. There will be no spectators and minimization of guests. There will be some operational changes we will all have to adjust to.

Virginia has brought the entire state into the step-one return to normal operations as we move into June. We still have a 10-person gathering restriction, but we believe we have a solution in place applicable to track environment open spaces.

West Virginia is continuing progress toward returning to the next step, but limiting the maximum gatherings to 25 at the moment, we also believe a solution is reachable and applicable to track environment open spaces.

Additional communicable disease waiver will be required upon sign in at registration for the remainder of the 2020 season. This is in an effort to reduce the COVID-19 or other disease related liability issues.

In a late breaking announcement, Washington DC Region has appointed a Region Health Safety Coordinator to aid in guiding us through the necessary steps and routines that are important. Ron Shellenberger, a long time F&C Official is stepping in as our Region Health Safety Coordinator. Ron is a retired health professional willing to step into a much-needed role. We want to thank Ron for his willingness to keep us running! 

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Region Update for 5/26/2020

We are going HOT!

Gear up, set up, and load up! Wheels on the track before June is out! 20-21 June at Summit Point our Track Events Program is putting on a season opener HPDE and Time Trials Weekend. Immediately followed by the Dominion Raceway Group with the premier of our DR-HPDE/TT Program 27-28 June.

Our Region's Road Racing Committee is currently working on the format for the July 25-26 RACE weekend at Summit Point. Several options and mixes of format are under consideration, but the bottom line is; have your race tires on and ready to run. It's coming!

This process has been long and difficult, it is not over yet. We still have to consider the environment in which we are operating. As such, we will be requiring some specific protection measures and steps be taken and proper PPE utilized as needed. As part of that process we will be offering guidelines and defining requirements that must be met.

Rules and directives are in a state of flux and change almost daily. We will be staying current with those adjustments. Please make every effort to understand and assist with meeting the requirements we must all live up to.

Current changes include Virginia mandate for use of masks in indoor public environments until further notice. However, at the same time, Virginia is bringing the entire state into the step one return to normal operations as we move into June. The "Stay at Home" order is being transitioned to an advisory in lieu of an order.

West Virginia is continuing progress toward returning to the next step, but limiting the maximum gatherings to 25 at the moment.

Other plans include a July 12th Road Rally event. If you have not had the pleasure or opportunity to join in on a Road Rally, this is an opportunity to "Get The Dust Off" and join in! It is a riot with a lot of great people involved.

Unfortunately, Autocross has been deferred due to facilities availability. Property assets have been placed on hold through the month of July.


Some discussion on additional wavers; current advice is wavers presently used are adequate unless a specific requirement is established by contract facilities. Some revision to include communicable disease is under consideration, but not considered a road block at this time.

In another area, the CDC has developed some interesting news:

COVID-19 Update:

On March 12th, CDC established an update that should help considerably, but it was not published until 21 May, It states (in part) the COVID-19 is not easily spread via hard surfaces. That helps narrow the focus. 

The new coronavirus "does not spread easily" from touching surfaces or objects, according to updated wording on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) website.

This change was made on May 11 from the organization. The change, which was made during an internal review, was meant to "clarify other types of spread beyond person to person," CDC spokesperson Kristen Nordlund. Coronavirus spreads "very easily and sustainably between people," and that is the main route of transmission, the CDC says. However, "the virus does not spread easily in other ways." Touching surfaces or objects and then touching the mouth, nose or eyes or between animals and people are not thought to the main routes of transmission, the CDC agency.


SCCA Guidelines are in place. Our Program leadership has established use policies and had ordered or obtained PPE assets. That leaves the State, facilities, resources, and tracks as the primary driver of any additions to our procedures. 

Masks are recommended in areas where distancing cannot be maintained, unless the facilities mandate otherwise.

Current supps. at both facilities, SPR and DR spell out requirement of mask use and PPE. Any question should be resolved on the side of safety and protection. Anyone not supporting proper protective measures will not continue to participate. 


Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Region Update for 05/20/2020

Region Executive COVID-19 Summary & Status Report

One good sign is there were no major setbacks or changes this week. Our SCCA National conference call has been scaled back to every other week (a good sign in itself). In general terms we are starting to see motion in a number of areas. Restrictions are being loosened along with businesses restarting in almost all areas. Virginia is experiencing some tight control issues in the highly populated area of Northern Virginia. Shenandoah Valley and the remainder of the state are on track with the return to work plans. Most all the rest of the state is showing a relative low exposure rate.

West Virginia Governor Jim Justice unveiled a number of announcements Monday during his daily coronavirus briefing, including the removal of counties from the hotspot list, the opportunity for local governments to apply for grant funding, and a list of additional businesses set to reopen over the next few weeks.

Justice announced that Monongalia, Marion, Harrison, Jefferson and Berkeley counties would be removed from the executive orders that tightened social distancing restrictions in the state's stay-at-home executive order.

Those counties were required to limit groups to no more than five people and businesses and entities are required to have employees work from home as much as possible. Those counties will now be under the newer safer-at-home order, which allows for groups no larger than 25 and encourages people to remain home whenever possible and wear masks.

Stay at Home Orders as related to the individual states:

Expires: 05/13/2020 (superseded)
Conditions: 10+ Prohibited

New Jersey
Conditions: N/A 

North Carolina
Expires: 05/08/2020 

Expires: 05/01/2020 

Expires: 06/04/2020 

Expires: 06/10/2020
Conditions: 10+ Prohibited

West Virginia
Expires: 05/04/2020
Conditions: 25+ Prohibited

We anticipate a weekly loosening of restrictions as recovery continues. With our operational guidelines in place and a chance to practice use of the process on 20-21 June at Summit Point (Main Circuit) where we intend to operate a Track Events High Performance Driving Education (HPDE) program and a concurrent Time Trials (TT) event. We will take what we learn to Dominion Raceway the following week and put on a similar program there 27-28 June. Registration is open for the Dominion Raceway event and will be open for the Summit Point event shortly.

Summit Point is putting on a "Seat time" event under the current West Virginia Limitations, this experience will help in establishing a process on the track management side we can use to help make our events run smoothly.

PPE and social activity restrictions will likely remain in place through the remainder of the 2020 season.  Each of our event Supps will include new safety guidelines.

Road Racing is scheduled to kick off on July 25-26. Discussion is underway on the format of the July Road Racing event. By August the MARRS program should be back on the rails and clicking hopefully along with the regularly scheduled NJMP race on the 22-23 Aug.

September 5-7 Labor Day Event should be more exciting than ever. October 3-4 is still on the schedule with any additional program changes to be announced as/if/when they develop.

Rallycross will be returning to action in July.  Watch for the confirmed schedules to be coming up in the not too distant future. RX Events.

Update on Autocross; FedExField site has withdrawn the facilities from use through July. Alternative locations are still too restrictive to operate an event efficiently. We are still exploring options, but July may not have an Autocross date.

SCCA Inc. will be going live via Face Book with Runoffs Announcement: SCCA With staff members Eric Prill and Deanna Flanagan for an announcement and discussion on 2020 Runoff qualification requirements, today, Wednesday, May 20 Noon central time.

Safe and healthy programs will be the key for the remainder of the season.

Please stay safe and healthy. See you at the track!

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379