Region update for 5/12/2020

As we continue to feel our way through this process of limitations and return to routines, opportunities are becoming more apparent. Caution is still the centerpiece in any plan, but progress is real. 

First, the difficult news. Washington DC Region MARRS Road Racing Program restart has been delayed until July 25-26 at Summit Point. The form and format are yet to be determined. MARRS Road Racing was deferred due to the number of people from areas still under tight regulatory control and consideration for the numbers of volunteers that may not be readily available or concerned about exposures prior to total Regional influence and influx from outside areas. MARRS will not resume racing operations until July at the earliest. 

Spectacular side of the news is our mid-Region HPDE Track Events and Time Trials programs are raring to go and will hit the ground running on a full go status beginning 27 and 28 June at Dominion Raceway for their mid-season kickoff.

Registration is open through

July 18 & 19 will see our Region's northside HDPE Track Events and Time Trials at Summit Point, Shenandoah Track.  This event registration is also now

However, this is not all of the news, our Summit Point team is considering running an additional (early) HPDE and Time Trials event on the 20 and 21 of June dates formerly reserved for the MARRS program.
Autocross events are canceled through June with the likelihood of a strong start of events in July. Stay tuned for upcoming announcements. Rallycross will kick off on 11/12 July and continue with events through August, October, and November. Polish Mountain Hill Climb is in the process for permitting for running August 1&2.

All events will be operated under best practices for health and individual safety. Each of our operating programs will be appointing Health and Safety Compliance Officers with the job of insuring health exposure protection for all participants and operating personnel. Health standards and guidelines will remain at levels established by regulatory agencies, facility, and SCCA guidelines and directives. Any changes, relaxation, or sunset of these controls will be dependent on CDC information and recommendations.

We also ask if you have to deal with the National staff, you be patient and understanding. Unfortunately, the situation has forced a reduction in available staff to the point that a very few are caring for the masses. Please be kind and graceful when asking for services. It may take a little longer than usual, but it will happen. They are doing an outstanding job with the limited number of people and access to resources available right now. 

In another arena, The Region is starting a search for interested and likely candidates for the Board of Directors. Three positions are coming up for election in October. Please Contact Alan Olson, or any other Board member if you have interest or would suggest a potential candidate.

Please stay healthy! See you at the track.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Washington DC Region Executive Weekly Report for 5/5/2020

All concerned;

Many plans are pending and events awaiting the nod to move ahead with scheduling, sanctioning, and opening. We are all waiting the moment we are given the decision to move ahead.

Summit Point Raceway released the following notice on Monday 04 May: 

Track re-opening date remains in flux pending government guidelines.

(May 4, 2020, Summit Point, WV) - In light of the re-opening timeline released by the governor, Summit Point Motorsports Park will extend the closure of the facility through May 18th. Some events beyond the 18th have also been postponed or cancelled by the individual organizers. Track officials will continue to monitor official state recommendations and will follow all guidelines as issued by the state of West Virginia.

The governor has released a 6-week time line, each week additional business categories will be added to the list of those that may return to business. Summit Point is working with state and local officials to determine what week our business category will be added to this list. In addition, track officials are working on a "modified event program" that may allow the facility to re-open earlier to smaller groups with certain safeguards in place.

As Illustrated above, West Virginia is phasing in returning businesses on a very controlled schedule.

  • State of Virginia has extended non-Essential Business closure for another week to 15 May. Stay at Home Order remains in place through 10 June. 

  • Maryland is still not clear on the restart program plans. 

  • As the NEDiv Region most likely to restart programs in the near future, we also have to take into consideration Regions and areas in proximity such a SJR, NNJR,Steek Cities, etc. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and North Carolina all have a degree of influence on our judgement. 

Some reservations in getting involved with events early after the quarantine have been expressed. Many are concerned with the risk of exposure continuing. There is a validity with the concern. Washington DC Region, along with guidelines from SCCA and in cooperation with Summit Point Raceway, Dominion Raceway, and other facilities will be following all recommendations to minimize the risk of exposure. The governing issue is, if you do not feel comfortable in participating, please do not feel obligated to take unnecessary risk. If there is any question as to how you feel, headache, dry cough, unexplained temperature rise, please do not attend. 

As we continue looking at the remainder of the season, our Program Chairs and Directors are doing their best to anticipate volunteer support, participation, and cost of events. Not an easy thing to do with limited information. Proposed schedules and events will be submitted to the Region Board of Directors for review and final disposition. Tuesday, May 12 will be D-Day (next BoD mtg) for the immediate future. The following regular Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 09 June. 

On another issue, due to the difficulty in making arrangements for a physical or medical visits, Competition Licensed Drivers with renewals due are eligible to complete this form and email it to in lieu of the medical for this year.  It will be valid for one year aligned with their membership expiration date.

Stay safe and healthy. See you at the track!

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Region update for the week of 4/27/2020 - Pandemic Status & Forecast

There is light! As calendar pages are turning, we are coming closer to returning to hosting Track Events including Road Racing, Time Trials, HPDE, Autocross, Hill Climbs, Road Rally and many other activities. As of this moment, West Virginia has introduced a plan for returning the state to commercial activities based on the continued low and slow growth in the number of COVID-19 cases. This means, although Summit Point is officially closed until May 7th, there is a likelihood of returning to operating events in three to six weeks. 

In Virginia, the Governor has extended small business closures until May 8th, although the "stay at home" order (based on Virginia Executive Order #53) is to remain in place until June 10. 

Maryland cases began peaking on the 25th of April. Governor Hogan's closure and control orders will continue to remain in effect until further notice.

Summit Point management will be sharing a conference call with Washington DC Region Road Racing Program Directors and Chairmen over the coming week to discuss reopening plans and event needs. Xator Corporation has expressed sincere interest in working with motorsports programs such as our in the best interest of keeping the sport active and viable at Summit Point.

SCCA National Office has issued a set of guidelines for operating events within the current environment. 

SCCA National Office has been struggling to maintain operations via working from the homes of the staff and management members remaining on the job. It has been a difficult objective, but is being met. Plans are, with confirmation from the Kansas governing agencies, to reopen the SCCA Topeka Office on May 4th.

Combining these guidelines with our events will be vital to ensuring the remaining season's activities will be executed in as safe a manner as possible.

A realistic look at the programs may require some innovation or combining of resources or Programs, perhaps portions of programs. Financially, the season has been devastating to the National office. We are working in unison to build a program aimed at recovery for the club overall. SCCA Unite is the call going out, three significant components form the base for returning to an active and healthy club and programs.

  1. Membership - Renew, Encourage others to join or renew, and there is a push to open access to a lifetime membership program.

  2. Support SCCA Merchandise Program and the #SCCAUnite theme.

  3. PPE: Help provide and find sourcing for needed protective equipment and materials for our people at each event.

Many thanks for your patience and tolerance for some difficult decisions we have had to make in a tough time. We will be doing everything we can to bring our Programs back up to speed as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Region update for the week of 04/20/2020

We are steadily keeping  finger on the pulse of the situation. Slowly but steadily we are moving toward returning to a time we can again bring events back to a full schedule. Currently, plans appear to be bringing some businesses back into operation in Virginia beginning 28 April. However, the shelter at home order remains in place through June 10th. Surrounding states within the WDC Region vary broadly in schedule and restart plans. Further out in our area of participation and influence, there is not any fixed forecast on return to routine operations for any given entity. 

Due to scheduling conflicts on the National Office end in Topeka, the National Region Conference call scheduled for this evening was canceled. With ever moving developments related to the pandemic, and many state and local governments are announcing the start of easing restrictions.  Message from Topeka is "While we don't expect to the green flag to be waived everywhere, we believe that our Race Safe guidelines for our programs will be paramount in conducting events." Guidelines are being developed on safe event operations.

With our "Best Guess Hat" on, we are looking at a restart of a suspended season by the latter part of June. Washington DC Region has asked our Program Directors to reassess the potential season ahead with the probability of starting in late June. Reassessment of the season will begin with a clean sheet approach to what we have available to us for the remainder of the year. Our target date for the reassessment plan is the May Board of Directors meeting on May 12th via teleconference.We all face the difficult part of what this situation has done to our membership's ability to participate. In general, the world and U.S.economy has taken a devastating hit. Results are not pretty and has a direct affect or influence on every member of the Region.

We will update any information as it comes available or changes. Tuesday reports will continue at least through June 9th Board of Directors Regular Meeting.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

The Washington DC Region SCCA welcomes a new sponsor - Motorsport Solutions!

When the going gets tough, the tough get going!

The DC Region of SCCA is pleased to announce a new sponsor for the Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series. We are very happy to have some "tough" members of our club, coming through to sponsor our series when racing is in doubt. Please consider them when you have a need for their products and services.

Race Car Preparation-Construction-Service and Track Side Support  571-229-9044

Race Car Preparation-Construction-Service and Track Side Support

T.J. Huston and Kevin Rychlik, co-owners of Motorsport Solutions, Inc. are proud sponsors of the 2020-2021 SCCA-WDCR Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series. Motorsport Solutions is a full-time race support company dedicated to excellence. We offer full Track Support, Custom Builds, Race Car Preparation, All Services and Restoration. If it has to do with racing, we are available for any job or task. We have garages and storage at Summit Point and our main facility at 10594 Redoubt Road in Manassas, Virginia. Call to arrange a visit or get a quote at any time. We will have track support services available for most races and can transport and provide you with exceptional track-side support, suspension tuning at the track as well as transportation. We are committed to exceptional customer service and driver support.

Email: or

The Washington DC Region SCCA welcomes a new sponsor - RP Performance!

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do."

The DC Region of SCCA is pleased to announce a new sponsor for the Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series.  We are very happy to have some members of our club who love what we do, coming through to sponsor our series when racing is in doubt.  Please consider them when you have a need for their products and services.
RP Performance is proud to announce that it will be a sponsor of the Mid Atlantic Road Racing Series for 2020.
Bret de Pedro, owner/operator of RP Performance and a 25 year member of the Washington DC Region of the SCCA, said "It has truly been an honor and pleasure to serve and be a part of the DC Region family."

Based on-site at Summit Point in Gasoline Alley, RP Performance is the only premiere race car shop that specializes in Mazda's. With hundreds of wins in multiple classes, and full service capabilities, RP is able to help with all your race support needs.

Allan Olson accepts the sponsorship check from Bret de Pedro and Dave Gambino of RP Performance on behalf of the Washington DC Region Board of Directors

Allan Olson accepts the sponsorship check from Bret de Pedro and Dave Gambino of RP Performance on behalf of the Washington DC Region Board of Directors

BOD meeting report from 04/14/20

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement

In the meeting of the Board of Directors Tuesday evening 14 April, several issues were discussed. Over the last two weeks, Region leadership along with several volunteers have been developing program of continued i-Racing and the concept of a Racing info-webinar. These programs will continue to be developed and brought into operation over the next few weeks. Some are already in progress.

These programs have significant potential beyond off season and down time. They may offer the opportunity to develop another self sustaining program under the Washington DC Region Umbrella.

In our current state of suspended operations, the Board was presented with three likely scenarios that were developed using anticipated conditions and developments. Discussion within the framework of the forecasts developed an understanding of the considerable financial exposure the Region is facing.

One direction the Board has decided to pursue is to make application to SBA (Small Business Administration) for an interim loan for continuous employment of staff. There was no further discussion of anticipated schedule changes. Status quo will remain unchanged through 31 May 2020.

No other actions or changes are to be made at this time.

Next Board meeting will take place via Teleconference 12 May 2020. Assessment of changes is ongoing. As or if warranted, the Board will be called back to special meeting to reassess any further schedule or business changes.

Wayne Armbrust

C.W. Armbrust

Chairman & Region Executive


Mobile: 540-539-6379

iRacing Etiquette & Race Craft 101

IMSA GT4 driver and all-round good guy Kenton Koch has generously offered to host a series of webinars focused on making us all better racers and sim-racers.  The first webinar called iRacing Etiquette and Race Craft 101 is aimed at avid racers and novice iRacing competitors alike. In 30-minutes, this live webinar will cover the basics of racecraft and interacting with the iRacing simulator software. There will be time at the end of the session to ask your questions and discuss any of the topics Kenton has lined up for us.

B-b-b-bonus...he's giving this webinar to all WDCR SCCA participants and WDCR iRacing League members for FREE!  Kenton anticipates hosting more of these webinars in the not so distant future and we want to help him get the first one off the ground.  

The iRacing Etiquette and Race Craft 101 webinar is scheduled for Saturday, April 18th at 10 AM EST and you must pre-register through your MSR account.

Register here

Please Note: Kenton will be contacting registrants for the purpose of feedback and information on additional webinars and his one-on-one coaching business.

Region update for the week of 04/07/2020

All Concerned:

In keeping with a continuous watch on the situation and related developments, there are many opinions and directives that continue to evolve.  Washington DC Board of Directors will meet in regular session next week, 14 April 2020.  At that meeting a longer range view will be discussed.  Until then, current decisions remain in place to take no further action through 31 May 2020. 

In the interim, there is work ongoing to develop a web based program as a resource for our membership.  Sharing of technical knowledge on a broad number of motorsports related subjects is part of the driving force.  Look for more information to be released in the not too distant future.

As conditions change, the Board of Directors stands ready to review those changes and opportunities.  There will be no further actions prior to the next regular meeting of the Board.

Wayne Armbrust

C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive WDCR - SCCA
Mobile: 540-539-6379

News on event cancellation through May

In meeting via teleconference beginning 6:30PM 31 March 2020, Washington DC Board of Directors has suspended and canceled all activities and events for the Region and its involvement through 31 May 2020.  With these actions, the Region is remaining within mandates and directives of federal, state, and local authorities in interpersonal actions and gatherings.

Future Region events will be continuously under review and expected to be active unless or until circumstances change.

Out of Region events after 01 June will be entirely dependent on any hosting Region and current regulatory authorities' decisions.

Please note, if directives change earlier than anticipated to allow events, we will do everything we can to proceed to reschedule any canceled events in a timely manner.

In the interest of our membership we are continuing to develop and provide an iRacing (virtual racing) program including a championship with awards.

With this meeting and decisions as far out as the end of May, the next meetings of the Board of Directors will be at the regularly scheduled dates of 14 April and 12 May at 7:00PM via teleconference.  Remainder of the season's events, as well as the potential for adding events will be discussed at that time. Region's finances will also be a subject at that meeting.

Topeka SCCA National Office is also dealing with issues relating to the current situation.  The National office is closed but, will be responding to urgent needs as needed through the end of April.

C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379