Minutes: Dec. 9, 2017 CRC Planning Meeting, Part 1
/12:30pm Saturday, Davis Library, Bethesda, MD
<note: at 12:30 we were 1 vote short of quorum, so waited to start meeting>
Called to order by Greg McDermott, Club Race Chair at 12:35pm with 21 attendees (sign-in sheet provided) including 6 non-voting guests.
1) Budget review – projected $12-15k shortfall for 2017. Had 1008 car-count but 1125 budgeted.
Intent for 2018 to raise entry fee to $350 (from $335). Charts shown to illustrate decline in car
counts for 10 year period and to show counts-by-event.
2) Discussion on “Out Of Region” (OOR) event participation.
M1 will be same date as VIR Majors – prepare for possible loss in cars going to VIR.
Side-discussion: possible move M1 to one week earlier or swap date for M1 & driver school – Greg McDermott to contact track to inquire if possible.
Circled discussion back to OOR pros and cons of different tracks and dates.
Further discussion on # of total races and where drivers want to go.
MOTION: from M Collins, 2nd by B Donati – to develop DC Region series concept for Summit Point races only, separate from the MARRS championship which will include OOR events. Consensus to add to the agenda for next planning meeting to drill down all details, but concept accepted.
MOTION: from M Collins, 2nd by B Donati – to adopt OOR events as follows:
May 5-6 @ VIR, July 7-8 @ Watkins Glen & Aug 11-22 @ both Pitt Race & NJMP Thunder,
(driver’s choice).
Vote = 7 yay, 5 nay, 3 abstentions - MOTION PASSES.
3) Region Specific Rules
SSM change: allow short extension to be added to spec exhaust to be able to clear rear
Consensus to adopt new rules with change as submitted.
GTP changes: discussion on legacy rules wherein the Admin portion should be more
closely aligned with SSM Admin rules, as the old GTP version is actually out of sync with
- Suggestion to re-word and revise GTP admin rules.
- Greg McDermott to send to Bruce Shelton final ok and then submission to BoD.
- Consen sus to adopt GTP technical changes as presented (with admin changes).
4) Bracket Racing Program presentation by Chuck Edmondson.
Bracket Group being added into MARRS home weekends for 2018.
Slide show explaining what the program is & how it will integrate.
Discussion on possibly making “SBRR” another Region Optional class so that logbooks
can be issued following GCR guidelines – OR – possibly classify all bracket racing cars
under SPU (or existing class).
BoD approval for budget not to come out of Club Racing for Bracket Racing.
- Ads placed w/ Grassroots Motorsports & RacingJunk.com
- Boosting on FaceBook.
- Stickers/banners/decals with branding.
- Electronic newsletter submissions with Grassroots.
- Billboard at Summit Point.
- New landing sites: “RaceDC.Info and RaceDC.com.
- Inclusion in upcoming Straightpipes (for our members).
Discussion and questions about weekend memberships, adding a 9th race group, who can
potentially double-dip to race in Bracket, valid for “New/Returning racers” program.
Bracket is designed to be a low-threshold barrier for getting more people to our events.
5) Race Group/Car Count discussion.
Note that last few years of CRC planning meetings had hours of discussion on this
subject, only to ultimately vote for no changes to be made.
MOTION: from M Collins, 2nd by B Donati – to keep current (2017) race groups and classes the same with the exception to add Bracket racing as an additional group, and to discuss rotation and format at next planning meeting.
Vote = 13 yay, 1 nay, 1 abstention - MOTION PASSES.
6) Non-Agenda Item Discussion:
Driver School possible drop of open-wheel cars due to very low turn-out last several
Discussion on how to run school – cut-off date to accept open-wheel, have alternate plan
like PDX session, coordinate with NJ to take open-wheel at their school (same date), and
other ideas.
Consensus decision – prefer 3 groups and include open-wheel, but must have clear
message in Supps, MSR and advertising that there will be a cut-off date with a 2-group
school contingent if not enough cars registered by that date.
7) MARRS preferred numbers – consensus to keep rules for qualifying and open-pool claiming the same as last few years, no changes.
8) Agenda set for Planning Meeting Part II on January 6th:
a. Run group order & rotation.
b. Bracket group inclusion.
c. MARRS & new DC Series championship points and rules.
d. Any new business.
Meeting adjourned at 4:20pm.