Minutes: Feb 13 BoD Meeting

Washington D.C. Region SCCA
Meeting of the 2018 Board of Directors

February Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: February 13 th , 2018
LOCATION: J F Jennings, Falls Church, VA

Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM by A-RE.

Members in Attendance:
Wayne Armbrust - Via Phone
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Dave Fitzgerald
Shawn Roberts
John Nesbit
Alan Olson
Mike McKee
Member Absent: Lin Toland
Guest: MS Kate Claffie

Minutes of Previous meeting
Minutes of the Jan 13th Monthly BoD and Budget Meeting had been previously approved via electronic voting.
Minutes from 2 electronic meetings Jan 23 rd to select iHeart as Marketing Partner and Jan 28 th to accept iHeart Contract had been previously approved, unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurers Report 02.13.2018
In CR Investment Fund as of 01.31.2018- $769,419.63
In CR Cash Fund as of 01.31.2018- $100,167.81
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $869,587.44
In Solo Fund as of 01.31.2018- $18,688.61
In Region Checking as of 01.31.2018- $130,396.55
Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 02/13/2018)= $140,373.58

RE Report
Program Activities:

Alan Olson has been successful in contacting our sponsors and securing the continuing contractual relationship. We have firm commitments from our two long term supporters. In the process Alan has managed to increase the sponsored income by 11%.
Contract with WFI Stadium has been signed. We are experiencing some cost increases, permit fees, and scheduling conformation issues with the stadium management.
iHeart Media has entered into a contract with WDCR to present 600 radio advertisement spots through the upcoming 2018 racing season. WWDC FM 101.1 (Alternate Rock) and WMZQ FM 98.7 (DC Country) will be the primary carriers. Radio personalities have been selected and some of the spot formats are being developed.
Incidentally, I have been invited as a guest to a radio talk program on WVLT FM 92.1 out of Vineland, NJ. The program is called Racing Line. The program is hosted by Bill Von Suskil (NNJR-SCCA Tech Chief) one each week on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 8 PM. My time slot will be on Tuesday 27, February.
Lin Toland has also made a recent radio interview with Scorpion Radio from Daytona.
I am asking the Board for a review of the necessity of a Charter format for the Membership Services Program. We are currently in the process of successfully farming out components of the existing program and would like the BoD to consider withdrawal of the formality of a Chartered program.
Membership Services program will continue under the guideline structure already in place with appropriate personnel appointed to assist. The RE and Board will have more latitude in influencing and managing a less ridgid program.

Memorial Program

  • Lin Toland and I are taking on the Memorial Program.
  • I am also asking the BoD to review the necessity of maintaining a Charter format on this activity. This program should be reabsorbed as a direct responsibility of the RE and Board.

Summit Point Update:

  • Summit Point has had a change of mindset, they have opened their dirt tracked surfaces to the WDCR Rally Cross program. Adam Kimmett has confirmed his selected dates with Summit Point.
  • SP Circuit Safety changes between T4 and T5 have been completed. The appearance is much improved with vastly improved visibility through the chute into T5. Armco lines the work from the end of the T3 tire wall to Old Baker Station of Driver’s Right.
  • CONCEPTUAL: 2019 will be the 50th anniversary of Summit Point. Chris White is advancing the concept of a Total SCCA Weekend as a centerpiece for the 50th anniversary celebration. He is envisioning an event simultaneously featuring Autocross, PDX, Club Trials, Rallycross, and Road Racing. Perhaps we can even get our Road Rally program involved in something of this scale.
    • This would take a monumental amount of coordinating effort on our part and all of our volunteers and workers.
    • We will need much more detail from Summit Point on concept, room, and potential dates.
    • This could be an exciting once in a life time opportunity.

Club Racing Report
There is not a lot to report this month. Everything is fairly quiet as planning for the 2018 season moves along.

  • As noted in last month’s report, SJR has agreed to hold two JRRC events at Summit. They will be in April and June in conjunction with those MARRS events.
  • There is already a (small) budget boost from the sale of reserved numbers.
  • Greg is preparing the supps for the April MARRS.
  • Tech is still an issue. Wayne will be Chief for the Driver’s School.
  • Greg is requesting a change to the Road Racing Committee’s charter regarding the application of Robert’s Rules. He will prepare proposed wording to present to the Board at our next meeting.

Member Services / PR and Sponsorships
2,365 (200 some expiring this month)
Website - up for about a month now. Still have some areas to work on, though seeing major completion.
On a retainer now, 4 hours a month. Heidi and Scott (?). Heidi is voicing frustrations about being able
to make changes as fast as needed.
(Statistics, scrapers possible)
4,200 unique visitors
14k page views

DC101 Marketing campaign- Started Monday (5 Month Program)
Have not heard it, meeting Thursday about why we might not be hearing it as much as we thought
Still have the website to track traffic

Taylor and Paul went to Las Vegas -
The club has established an office position for each region for Social Media Chair
Taylor would like to take that position
Taylor named all the new members for the month of January (true new members)

Not Provided.

Rally Cross
The Rally-X Karting and awards party was well attended.
With the change in location to Summit Point for the events this year we have had to eliminate the previously scheduled test and tune on 3/10.  We are actively searching for a new venue to utilize during the summer months. The rest of the scheduled dates should stay the same pending potential summer venue considerations.

Road Rally
Sunday May 6th Perry Hall (GTA style rally, shake off the dust rally)

Season Kickoff Saturday
Continuing with FedEx, not running generators
Loss of Kline
Some new young blood for the committee
March 10th meeting with Chris White (development of Washington Circuit) positive movement for 2019

Old Business
Member Services Charter

It has been suggested to dissolve the charter for our member’s services and create guidelines for a PR position. The current charter is too restrictive for the purposes of our PR team and we would like to dissolve the charter and rebuild a set of guidelines that are able to direct those whom are managing the SCCA PR responsibilities. The PR and sponsorship sides of the charter are already operating almost as self-contained spinoffs and need to be able to work under their own guidelines. In the end they will still be operating under a set of guidelines (to be discussed during our March meeting) and report to the board.
Motion Anderson: Rescind the member services charter - replace the charter with guidelines
Snyder Seconded. Motion Passed.
In favor: Snyder, Armbrust, Fitzgerald, Anderson & Roberts
Opposed: Olson McKee
Dave Fitzgerald and Paul Anderson will work to make the guidelines

Memorial Services Program
It has been proposed dissolve the Memorial Services charter for the memorial that has been set up at Summit. The motion would remove the submission committee and allow the board to bring forth and vote on names to be added to the memorial. This would bring Memorial Services directly under the BoD, and would use the guidelines for their submissions. Wayne Armbrust and Lin Toland would take action to bring names to the BoD and we would find the most cost effective schedule to engrave new names to the memorial.
Motion Olson: to rescind the Memorial Services Charter and replace with Guidelines
Fitzgerald Seconded. Motion Passed.
In Favor: Olson, Fitzgerald, McKee, Snyder, Armbrust
Opposed: Anderson

Deferring all restructuring until next meeting

New Business

The Website has reached significant completion and we are looking for someone to manage it to get it off Heidi’s plate. Scott Weir has already been helping and has agreed to assume the role of Web Master.
Motion Fitzgerald: to appoint Scott Weir as Region Web Master
Olson Seconded, Unanimous Vote.
Social Media Chair
Discussion to create and fill a Social Media Chair position using the guidelines set by national. Taylor Hyatt, whom already runs our social media campaigns, to fill the position.
Motion Snyder: to appoint Taylor Hyatt Social Media Chairman for the Region
Armbrust Seconded Unanimous Vote
Discussion regarding Track Night in America
Track Night in America is confirmed with Dominion Raceway - 4 Dates, April, May, June, and July.
Main concern was that the announcement was made without letting us know. Need to continue the open channels between us and National. This will be especially important as we have new positions in place for our site and social media.
Awards Banquet
There are currently no reservations or plans at the moment. We need to get the ball rolling. Though Vanessa has done it in the past, she would be willing to assist with this year’s banquet but not be the driving force. The banquet will be a line item for March’s BoD meeting.
Yearly Budgets
Liaisons to reach out to their Chairs and see if we can get the 2019 budgets in before the end of November. Budgets do not need to be final, 90-95% complete with room for change.

The Secretary greatly appreciates the assistance of Mike McKee and his efforts to capture the meeting minutes while I was unable to attend.

Motion to Adjourn: Fitzgerald, 2 nd : Olson, Vote Unanimous.
Meeting ended: 8:10PM