Minutes: April 11 BoD Meeting

April Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: April 11, 2017
LOCATION: Holiday Inn Bethesda MD
Meeting Called to order at 7:02 PM.

Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Eric Wallgren
Dave Fitzgerald
Chuck Edmondson (in Canada)
Steve Salisbury

Members Absent
Brian Garfield
Anne Callihan

Guests: Aaron Meisner had been scheduled to attend but was forced to cancel at the last minute. He will be scheduled for May meeting.

Minutes from March had been previously approved, unanimously, via email.

In CR Investment Fund as of 03.31.2017- $584,393.36
In CR Cash Fund as of 03.31.2017- $186,000.00
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $770,393.36
In Solo Fund as of 03.31.2017- $10,678.61
In Region Checking as of 03.31.2017- $166,514.97

Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 04/10/2017)- $169,944.97

Our year is underway with PDX, RX, SOLO and CR having events in March. CR Drivers School
was undersubscribed, but still had 40 drivers. The Solo school filled and RX and PDX both had good 1st events.

This past month started off fairly slow, but a lot has been going on in the last couple of weeks.

I’m sure everyone is aware of the situation at SCCA Pro. There has been no indication that Mr.
Collins was involved in any wrong doing. However the Ventures board felt it was best to terminate his contract. Supposedly they have a replacement in mind and will announce it in the relatively near future.

There was a Jumbo Region conference call this past Tuesday. This is a good thing as there has
been little communication with the National office during Lisa’s tenure. Lee Hill, current chair of the national board, was behind getting the calls restarted. Some of the items discussed were:

  • A new spot on the national webpage called “SCCA, Find Your Fun” to make it easier for people new to SCCA to find upcoming events near them. Much like what has been discussed for the redo of our webpage.
  • The search for a new CEO, replacing Lisa, is close to final. There were originally around one hundred candidates, Those were narrowed down to fourteen and then to seven. An announcement should be made in the very near future. The new person will be expected to spend a good portion of the time out working with the regions.

I also had a separate conversation with Heyward Wagner about a new concept they are going to try. It would involve holding a multi program weekend at one facility with a PDX, Solo, RallyCross, Bracket Enduro and Road Rally over one weekend. These are all activities which people can compete in without being a SCCA member. The goal being to expose potential new members to SCCA and our activities. Chicago region will pilot one this year with plans for seven or eight locations next year and Heyward would like to know if we would consider doing one in 2018. 

A serious issue arose again at the opening MARRS event around one of the worker specialties.
Greg McDermott and I are working on a solution.

33 Drivers passed drivers school. Total attendance was 40 students (3 of whom already had
competition licenses). 4 students did not pass. 40 total students was short of our budgeted number of 50 students, and short of last year’s total of 56 students. The Club Race Chair feels that it may be necessary for the BoD to re-evaluate the cut-rate $199 entry fee for 2018, because for 40 students, entry fees do not even cover half the track rental fee, much less other expenses associated with putting on the school. This puts the Club Racing budget in a hole to start the season.

MARRS 1 attendance of 204 entries (182 full price entries and 22 half-price "double-dippers") exceeded the budgeted number of 190 entries (178 full price; 12 half price). The extra revenue from MARRS 1 covered the revenue short-fall from Drivers School, but only barely after the application of $100 Drivers School discounts for 14 competitors. The number of entries for the Majors will be critical in determining Club Racing's ability to stay on-budget for the rest of the season.

The track is offering to help resolve Turn 3 gravel trap issues by installing new curbing designed to discourage competitors from intentionally running wide and dropping two wheels into the gravel as a means of gaining a competitive advantage. The track is willing to do this if SCCA covers cost of installation. Paul to discuss with BoD.

New radios for EV approved at the last BoD meeting were purchased and placed in use at
MARRS 1. Total cost came in under the $2500 estimate approved by the BoD.

Registration is open for Majors April 29-30.

Regular monthly meetings have been scheduled to better organize and track the committee’s goals for 2017.

● Representation at marque car club events and Cars & Coffee events

● Quarterly member events

○ Facility tours (OGR, Piper, Radial Tire, etc.)
○ Car museums, car shows

● Post event entertainment for all programs

● Pig-roast at a future MARRS event

Ongoing discussions related to the proposed website update for wdcr-scca.org.
● Vendor has not been awarded
● Schedule has not been submitted but agreed to
● Program-specific requirements are due on or before the 24th of April Member Outreach role recruiting
● Need to try to find additional folks interested in joining the member Services team.
2017 Annual Banquet
● Reminder that the banquet this year is in November 2017 and will be a daytime family style
buffet luncheon.

Update on sponsorship agreements and opportunities
● OG racing and Radial Tire Co are committed for the 2017 season but contracts and payment haven't been returned. Tilton Motorsports and Race Keeper are out, apparently no longer interested. Working on possible deals with three others: American Helicopter, BMW of Sterling and Orndorff & Spaid.

● Remove Tilton and Race-Keeper from region documentation and website

Instructor Clinic and one day intermediate & up PDX/club trial weekend April 1-2, Shenandoah

  • 25 instructor candidates (a mix of experienced and new) turned out for the 1-day clinic on Saturday, plus approx. 20 advanced students taking advantage of a special discount. The one day PDX on Sunday had approximately 50-60 mixed bag participants, including 10 Club Trials participants. Final count for the weekend was 95 cars. Worker counts were a little low, but sufficient.
  • Overwhelmingly positive responses to the experience, as we have come to expect from this program.
  • Head classroom instructor David DuBois is retiring/moving out of the area, and discussions are ongoing concerning his replacement.
  • PDX will be making a contribution to the CR radio maintenance budget, amount still TBD.
  • Next scheduled event is not until July 15-16, again on the Shenandoah Circuit.

The RallyCross season has started. There were 2 events in late March, a test and tune on March
25th, and the first points event on March 26th. The events were well attended, but the surface was a little soft.

The April event has been postponed to let the surface recover from the recent rains.

Road Rally held their annual Road Rally school on April 8th. The MG's of Baltimore Club also
helps with this school. There were 40+ students. The students were mostly couples, and the age range was from 20's to 60+.

The Get the Dust Off Rally is being held on May 7th. This is the only region event.

There are several nearby regions or clubs are holding Road Rallies, so there is no lack of opportunities to participate. One interesting fact about Road Rally is that organizers are not able to compete in the event. This is one of the key reasons that the current Road Rally crew only holds one event per year.

The first events of the Solo season went off without a hitch. The truck/trailer were removed from storage and left at FedEx Field.

We ran a Level 1, Junior Kart School, and Level 2 Schools two weekends ago with great success and great weather. The three combined schools made it the largest attendance for schools in a single weekend with 24 at the Level 1, 13 at the Junior Kart School, and 24 at the Level 2.

Thirteen Juniors is the biggest Junior Kart School ever and we opened up four more spots on the wait list at the Level 2 for a total of 24, 61 students for the weekend.

We are looking into more dates from FedEx Field as we're told that some new dates have opened up.

The April 23rd Practice event and April 30 Competition Event are coming up and filling at a nor
mal pace.

Bylaw committee discussion.

In Final Draft Stages currently getting final once over. Expect it will be submitted to the BoD and Quantum Governance for their Reviews in the near future.

American Helicopters: Originally expected to be a long term Sponsor of the Region but that will not be the case. We were unable to reach agreement on the terms of the sponsorship

Tire Rack Street Survival
Mike Snyder gave a review of a Street Survival event he participated in. Very good program.

7:48: Entered Executive Session
8:30: Exited Executive Session

Motion by Toland 2nd by Wallgren to provide BSR with $5000 to fund the installation of new Curbing in the Area of the Turn 3 Gravel Trap on Summit Point Main Circuit. Passed Unanimous.

Motion by Wallgren 2nd by Edmondson to provide those drivers penalized for running through the Turn 3 Gravel Trap a $100 discount on their next MARRS Entry at Summit Point to be used by MARRS 6 (July 8-9, 2017). Motion Passed on a 5 to 2 vote.

Voting for: Fitzgerald, Wallgren, Anderson, Edmondson, Salisbury
Voting against: Toland, Snyder

Motion to Adjourn Lin Toland, 2nd by Eric Wallgren Vote Unanimous.

Meeting ended 8:45 PM