Road Racing Tech Days!

Hey Racers! Avoid the lines - come out to get your car's safety and tech inspection before the season starts - get your annual signature and be ready for MARRS.

 Get your 2021 Tech Sticker at one of our Pre-season Tech Days!

2021 Road Racing Tech Days:

Date & Time: Saturday, February 13 from 9AM to 3PM+/-
Dominion Raceway
Main Facilities Building – Groove Music Hall
6501 Dominion Raceway Avenue
Thornburg, VA 22580
Contact: Wayne Armbrust,

Date & Time: Saturday, February 27 from 8:30AM - 4:00PM
RP Performance (Bret de Pedro's shop)
Gasoline Alley at Summit Point
(304) 728-6749

Date & Time: Sat & Sun, March 6 & 7 from 8:00AM - 4:00PM
HPDE & TT Track Events Program
Summit Point (Main Circuit Tech Shed)
Note: drivers attending this event get priority

Date & Time:
Friday, April 2 from 7:30PM - 9:00PM
Saturday, April 3 from 7:30AM - 4:00PM
Racing School for Competition License
Summit Point (Main Circuit Tech Shed)
Note: drivers attending this event get priority

Date & Time: Saturday, April 10 from 9AM to 3PM+/-
Dominion Raceway
Main Facilities Building – Groove Music Hall
6501 Dominion Raceway Avenue
Thornburg, VA 22580
Note: drivers attending this event get priority
Contact: Wayne Armbrust,


Contact Tech Chief Joe Menowsky @ or (540) 676-5691 to inquire about setting up other dates by appointment.

Possible additional dates and venues may be announced later if/when they become available.

Please remember that if your vehicle received a tech inspection last season it is valid for 1 year from that date. If the vehicle was inspected in July of 2020 it isn't due again until July 2021.

 Your personal protective gear will require a current inspection prior to the first event of the season.

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement From the Director of Road Racing, Washington DC Region, SCCA

Work has already begun planning for a fun and exciting season. The Washington DC Region Road Racing Committee met earlier this month to begin planning the next season and the 2021 MARRS championship, meeting notes are posted on WDCR website. We are very optimistic about the upcoming year as we plan for a season of great road racing events at Summit Point and New Jersey Motorsports Park.

Read More

WDCR SCCA Annual Meeting - 2 ways to attend!

Our 2021-2023 Board of Directors election is underway and will be concluded at the Annual Meeting. On-line voting at (MSR) is available now and ends this Sunday October 11th at 11:59 pm. Biographies of candidates running can be found here. There are three positions for election to the Board this year and you may vote for up to three candidates. Candidates are listed on the ballot in member number order, per our bylaws.

Please note that you must be a Washington DC Region member to vote in this election. This email is being sent to the distribution list of all DC Region members in the National SCCA database - but we need your help. Please check with your friends and forward to anyone who is a DC Region member but may not have received this (if their email address is wrong or not updated at National). We want all our members to vote!

Please also note that if you do not have an account in MSR you will need to set one up to vote online. Click here to set up an account in MSR.

Two ways to attend the Washington DC Region's Annual Meeting:

1) Come in person: The open members' Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13th 2020 at 8:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Chantilly Dulles Expo,4335 Chantilly Shopping Center Chantilly, Virginia 20151.

2) Join online: You are invited to a Zoom webinar.

When: Oct 13, 2020 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Topic: WDCR Annual Membership Meeting

Registration links for the annual meeting Zoom webinar have been sent to your inbox. If you haven’t received an invite, please contact the club office!

For assistance with voting, please contact me in the Club Office.

Hope to see everyone at the Annual Meeting!

Heidi : ) 

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement MARRS DATES - remainder of 2020!

MARRS Road Racing Community:

The next Mid-Atlantic Road Racing Series (MARRS) event will be with our partner, the North Carolina Region (NCR) at Virginia International Raceway, October 10th- 11th. This event is also known as the "Goblins Go" event. October 24th-25th, South Jersey Region (SJR) will be hosting an event, also MARRS, at New Jersey Motorsports Park (NJMP). Finally, the racing opportunities in October are to be capped off by the return of Nelson Ledges as a road racing facility in the SCCA NEDiv. Mahoning Valley and NEOHIO regions are jointly hosting an event at Nelson Ledges October 31 - Nov 1.

More Info about the SARRC/MARRS event at VIR -

Information about the SJR MARRS event will be released soon.

To say this has been a very interesting and challenging season is an enormous understatement. Speaking on behalf of the Washington DC Region Road Racing Program, 

I am very proud of all our dedicated volunteers who made it possible to get back to holding events during this global pandemic. Preparing for an event takes an enormous amount of planning and work in non-COVID times and ever so much more with the addition of COVID restrictions and guidelines. The amazingly professional road racing committee team stepped up to the challenge and put together two incredible events, please take the opportunity to thank them for their dedication and countless hours of work to make it possible. Additionally, the team at Summit Point has been a great partner and incredibly accommodating in navigating the restrictions placed on motorsports in West Virginia. Finally, the dedicated drivers who helped by following the social distancing and mask wearing guidelines to keep the event in compliance with the ever-changing rules, thank you for supporting the Washinton DC Region MARRS events this year. 

Work is already underway to plan for the 2021 season. We are working with the Motorsports team at Summit Point to schedule a full complement of dates for next year. We'll soon be meeting with the NeDiv council and our partners SJR and NCR to coordinate a full schedule of events for 2021.

Please continue to be safe and healthy, we look forward to seeing you in 2021 for an exciting season with the MARRS series.

Thank You

Bob Crawford - Director of Road Racing, Washington DC Region SCCA - Volunteer

Build, Break, Fix, Repeat Podcast featuring WDCR members Joe Obernberger, Baron Mills, and Travis Dixon

From Break/Fix:

Episode title: The New & Improved SCCA HPDE

A panel of folks from the Washington DC region of the Sports Car Club of America (WDCR SCCA) joined Break/Fix to educate us on their new & improved High Performance Drivers Education (HPDE) program. With us was Chief Instructor Joe Obernberger, Assistant Chief Instructor Baron Mills and former HPDE chairman Travis Dixon. 

Our goal is to continue the conversation we’ve been having with our listeners over several Break/Fix episodes where we introduce the idea of High Performance Driving to folks that are new to Motorsports; Folks who are curious about what they can do with the sports car they have sitting in their garage - or maybe aren’t aware that organizations like SCCA offer a service like HPDE.

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement VOTE TODAY for our BoD!

Our 2021-2023 Board of Directors election begins today and will be concluded at the Annual Meeting.  On-line voting at (MSR) is available now and ends Sunday October 11th at 11:59 pm.  Biographies of candidates running can be found here.  There are three positions for election to the Board this year and you may vote for up to three candidates.  Candidates are listed on the ballot in member number order, per our bylaws.

Please note that you must be a Washington DC Region member to vote in this election. This email is being sent to the distribution list of all DC Region members in the National SCCA database - but we need your help. Please check with your friends and forward to anyone who is a DC Region member but may not have received this (if their email address is wrong or not updated at National). We want all our members to vote!

Please also note that if you do not have an account in MSR you will need to set one up to vote online. Click here to set up an account in MSR.

Mark your calendars for the Washington DC Region's Annual Meeting.

The open members' Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13th 2020 at 8:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Chantilly Dulles Expo,4335 Chantilly Shopping Center Chantilly, Virginia 20151.

For assistance with voting, please contact Heidi Weir in the Club Office.

We hope to see everyone at the Annual Meeting!


View the candidates:

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement UPDATE for School & MARRS Race!

In his press conference and COVID-19 update briefing today, Governor Jim Justice of West Virginia outlined the current status on West Virginia's recovery plan through a short summary, followed by an extended Q&A period with news agencies. In his summary and answers he made clear there will be no further changes or closures at this time. There are no plans to scale back the reopening any further. Focus has shifted to Monongalia County as the previous week's closures will remain in place at least through Friday and likely to be extended considering the present rate of positive testing.

Governor's mandate for indoor use of masks will remain in place.  This news is good for us, we can move ahead with our programs as planned.  We will open the weekend with a Competition Racing School on Friday as planned and follow up with a weekend of racing at its best. Summer Sun and hot racing at Summit Point Motorsports Park .

Welcome to MARRS 2020.

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379

Washington DC Region SCCA Announcement YOU CAN RUN for the BoD!

Greetings Washington DC Region Members,

The DC Region Board of Directors (BoD) Election Committee is actively seeking Members interested in running for a position on the Board. This is your chance to shape the long-term direction of our Club and get an inside view of the inner workings of the Programs.

The 'Official' job description of a Board member can be found at WDCR Bylaws. For a more in-depth description of the Board's responsibilities, see Article V.   Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7PM and usually over by 9:00-9:30. An additional 2-3 hours a week is spent on Region business outside of the meetings. It's a unique opportunity to be involved in the operation of one of the largest Regions in SCCA.

The qualifications are:

  1. The candidate must be a Member in good standing.  

  2. The candidate must have been a Member for no less than two (2) years on the date of the close of nominations.

  3. The candidate must be no less than 18 years of age on the date of the close of nominations.

  4. The candidate shall not be an owner, director or officer of an organization whose mission, events or activities compete with the Region's or SCCA's events or activities.

  5. Previous board members must not have served as a Director in the most recent 18 months prior to the close of balloting of the then-pending election.

The Election Committee has identified a few nominees who have agreed to run for a position; they are Kevin Rychlik, Scott Merker, and Janet Mocati.  Incumbents whose terms are expiring and are running for re-election are Wayne Armbrust and Shawn Roberts.  Alan Olson is not seeking re-election.  More information about each of the candidates will be sent in the coming weeks and will also be available on our website soon.

You can get on the ballot via a nomination from the Election Committee or you may submit a petition. Petition requirements are listed in the WDCR Bylaws, (Article 4.05 a.). All nominees must be received by the Board no later than August 14th, 2020.

Results will be announced at the Region's Annual Membership meeting October 13, 2020.

If you are interested in running for the BoD, or would just like more information, please reach out to any of the Committee members listed below.  

The Election Committee members are:

Alan Olson -
Wayne Armbrust -

July 2020 Racing School Status (Update)

Washington DC Region 2020 Racing School is currently scheduled for 24 July 2020. Subject to regulatory control from West Virginia Courts, we are awaiting a re-assessment of the Court Orders placing all of West Virginia under tightly restricted operating conditions.

Although these conditions could be met to some degree, it is also directly dependent on participation of our volunteer officials and instructors. Plans are to move ahead with the program unless the courts decline modifying the restrictions. Summit Point Management is doing everything within its ability to assure we are able to proceed with the Competition Racing School Program.

We await the decision of the West Virginia Justice System Court's review of the current Court Orders scheduled for Monday 20 July 2020, to make any decision on the process of presenting the Competition Racing School as planned.

Under current conditions, any decision to change plans will not be made until Tuesday morning 21 July 2020. Any change will be sent out prior to 10:00AM Tuesday morning.

It is our intent to host this school, if at all possible.

We sincerely regret any stress, inconvenience, or uncertainty involved in this situation.

Current expectations are for the MARRS racing portion to continue as scheduled through the remainder of the weekend. 

Wayne Armbrust
C.W. Armbrust
Chairman & Region Executive
Mobile: 540-539-6379