Helmets off to Heroes 2019

Greetings DC Region Members!

Do you have a friend, daughter, neighbor, nephew, workmate, etc. in the armed forces or who is a veteran? We are asking for your help. Please forward this email to anyone you know who is active duty or a veteran and would like to attend a F-R-E-E Track Day (HPDE) as our way of supporting our military and saying "thanks" for serving.
Join us for "Helmets Off To Heroes" Track Day HPDE event on Sunday November 10th on Summit Point's Jefferson Circuit. This event is open to active duty military or any veteran for FREE! You do not need prior experience and we will provide an Instructor in your vehicle with you. You will be in your car on the track, so you will need to be sure it's in good condition - we will being doing an inspection at the track. Please see the attached Tech Form for you to fill out prior to the event, and bring it with you. You will also need to bring/show your military ID and a valid divers' license.

The event consists of classroom training, Skid pad, braking exercises, Slalom, and track time with instructors. It will be limited to thirty veterans and/or active duty military in their cars and will be an all-day event.
This event is FREE but space is limited, only 30 spaces available.

Supplemental Regulations are mandatory reading.

Even though it is free, there is a registration process and you must be pre-registered to attend. Please sign up here:

Please also let us know immediately if for some reason you are unable to attend - we will have a wait-list and if you can't make it, we will use your spot for someone else. This is much appreciated.

For questions, please contact me directly or read more here:


Thank you for your service and have fun at the track!

Heidi S. Weir

Region Administrator

(301) 572-7444 or (800) 879-4722



Article by Jack Burrows, Area 2 Director

The bylaws which govern SCCA have remained largely unchanged for some years. Our bylaws can only be revised by a vote of our members and require ballots to be sent and returned through the mail. Given the time and money involved in mailing ballots with postage paid return envelopes, this is a costly, cumbersome, and protracted process.

The club's Board of Directors therefore proposes to drag SCCA into the current millennium by changing our bylaws to provide for electronic voting. A detailed explanation of the proposal with its specific changes to our bylaws and the resulting voting process will be laid out in an article in upcoming issues of Sports Car.

Essentially, the Board's proposal is to allow SCCA to use electronic ballots (e.g., email) for things which our bylaws require to be voted on by our members. It also provides for people to opt out of electronic balloting if they prefer to receive and return hard copy ballots by mail. This change can't happen unless and until its voted on and approved by our members. Eligible members will therefore be receiving a ballot in the mail in the coming weeks asking for approval of electronic notification for items requiring a vote of the membership. The Board and I ask for your approval.

This would not a radical change. Many - if not most - of SCCA's regions already use electronic voting for things like elections for region officers. So the proposal would merely serve to bring SCCA nationally into the same practice as that which already widely used on the regional level. I encourage everyone to read the Sports Car article and vote in favor of the option for us to use electronic voting.


The road racing season might be over, but there's only a few weeks away until you can race with us again - virtually!

WDCR SCCA iRacing League - 2 Color.png

The 2019 Winter iRacing season kicks off on Wednesday the 30th and continues for the next 8 weeks – see schedule here. We’re bringing back the popular Global MX-5 Cup car and adding the recently released Audi RS3 LMS TCR car for some exciting multi-class racing!

The track selection has expanded to include 2 international venues and 2 of the 8 events are 60-minute combined GT3 and Porsche Cup races.

The format for the championship races is changing and we will hold two races per evening; a 15-minute sprint followed by a 20-minute sprint race.

All 8 events will be livestreamed by SYMtv and we’ll post links and info on the Region’s Facebook page prior to each event.

Current league members will receive additional information in the coming weeks; for anyone interested in joining the league please contact sim-racing@wdcr-scca.org and we’ll be happy to steer you in the right direction.

To join the WDCR iRacing league you’ll need:

An SCCA membership or a referral from a WDCR member

An active subscription to the iRacing Motorsports Simulation service

A D-Level or better Road Racing license

To own or be prepared to purchase the cars and tracks not included as free content from iRacing

SAVE THE DATE for the Annual Meeting! Election and Voting link

Greetings All DC Region Members:

The online election for our Board of Directors will be opening soon, and there will shortly be a website with details about our candidates. There will be three positions open for the Board, and all DC Region members will be allowed to vote for up to three candidates. The deadline has passed for anyone requesting to be added to the ballot via petition, so our final slate is set. The members running for the Board (in member # order) are:

Pamela (Pam) Richardson
Russell (Russ) Gardner
Michael (Mike) McKee
Joshua (Josh) Rubenstein
Brian Donati

Mark your calendars for October 8th - we will be holding our Annual Membership meeting at the Holiday Inn College Park from 8-10pm. This meeting is for YOU, your chance to ask questions of leaders, give your opinions, hear about the season and find out about the year ahead. Please plan to attend! The BoD election will also be concluded at this meeting.

Candidates or online voting link

HPDE/TT Registration reminder for July 6-7 on the Shenandoah Circuit

4-day reminder for HPDE/TT July 6-7 on Summit Point's Shenandoah Circuit. Still spaces left for all levels of experience. Never done a track day? Give it a try, a great way to get your car on the real race track with awesome instructors or, shake down your race car for extra practice and seat-time. Register today!