2019 MARRS Season Advanced Purchase Discount Offer
2019 MARRS Season Advanced Purchase Discount Offer
You can now pre-pay for the entire season (Summit Point MARRS events only) in advance and save 20% over the cost of registering for each event individually.
Events included in the 2019 MARRS season advanced purchase discount program are:
MARRS 1 (April 06-07)
MARRS 4 (June 15-16)
MARRS 5 (July 27-28)
MARRS 7/8 (Aug 31-Sept 02)
MARRS 9 (Sept 28-29).
2019 season advanced purchase discounts are available from now until Monday, April 8 at midnight. Once purchased, the 2019 season advanced purchase discount package is non-refundable, however the 20% savings is equivalent to more than the entry fee for a single standard MARRS event, so even if you miss one event you realize a savings! 2019 season advanced purchase discounts are also available in a second race class for the same 20% discount. The cost of a single class entry advanced purchase package is $1640 (a $2045 value), and $820 for an additional class (same car and driver). The 2019 season advanced purchase discount is valid for the driver who purchases it, and is non-transferable.
To register use this link: msreg.com/2019-MARRS-SS
When you take advantage of this generous offer you will receive credit in MSR equal to the full retail cost of the entries if purchased individually. You will still need to go into MSR and register for each event as they are opened. When you register simply apply your credit balance instead of paying with a credit card at that time. If you want to add or change anything for the individual event, you can also do so at that time by registering with the specific details then.
If you are interested in purchasing the advanced discount program and have questions, please contact Heidi in the Club Office (301-572-7444).