VOTE TODAY and SAVE THE DATE for the Annual Meeting!
Our 2016 Board of Directors election begins today and will be concluded at the Annual Meeting. On-line voting at (MSR) is available now and ends Sunday October 11th at 11:59 pm. click HERE to vote. Biographies of candidates running can be found here. There are four positions for election to the Board this year and you may vote for up to four candidates. Candidates are listed on the ballot in member number order, per our bylaws.
Please note that you must be a Washington DC Region member to vote in this election.
Please also note that if you do not have an account in MSR you will need to set one up to vote online.
Click here to set up an account in MSR
Please mark your calendars for the Washington DC Region's Annual Meeting.
The open members' Annual Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 13th 2015 at 8:00 pm at the College Park Holiday Inn located at 10000 Baltimore Ave. College Park, Maryland 20740. For directions and hotel info, please visit their website. Please note: this location has CHANGED from previous few years.
Louis Alessi and Steve Miller will not be seeking re-election this year and the Region heartily thanks these outgoing Board members for their years of service!
For assistance with voting, please contact me in the Club Office.
Hope to see everyone at the Annual Meeting!
Heidi : )
Heidi S. Weir
Region Administrator
Washington DC Region, SCCA
(301) 572-7444 or (800) 879-4722
fax: (301) 572-2211