Washington D.C. Region SCCA (WDCR SCCA)

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Notes from CRC Planning Meeting January 6, 2018

Notes from CRC Planning Mtg PART II Jan 6, 2018

 Sign-in sheet and introductions
 2018 schedule update: discussions since last planning mtg, groups will be joining us, possible conflicts, invitations for us to travel. BoD expressed opposition to split dates (original schedule called for two away events on same weekend). Survey of drivers and discussion calls for new vote to possibly amend schedule decided on last planning mtg, motion and vote passed to re-open reconsideration. Motion passed to go to VIR May 12-13, NJMO Lightning Jun 2-3 and NJMP Thunder Aug 11-12. This is now new 2018 MARRS away schedule.
 Discussion on entry fee: proposed $360 on budget but not enough to cover costs, motion to change to $375 passed.
 Discussion on MARRS weekend format: addt’l group added for Bracket Racing, will lengthen day, poss add time limits to feature races, group rotation change due to odd # groups. Motion passed to keep 2017 format, add group with no time limit, rotate 2 places down each home event.
 Discussion MARRS Rules changes: DC Region Championship for “home” races only, points earned for both/each series, # drops, poss count points from Sat only for DC Champ. Motions passed for 2 drops for Feature MARRS, 1 drop for Heats for MARRS and no drops for DC Championship.
 Discussion and Motions passed to change MARRS Rules:
o Section 3B: change to minimum of 2 competitors (from 3) for year-end champ and runner-up.
o Section 3C: change to 5 of 10 (from 5 of 11) feature races.
o Section 6A: 6 heat and 8 feature races, change already made, keep as-is.
 Add current year info for Competition Racing License School so advertising can begin.
 Discussion and changes to SUPPS:
o Remove purple flag
o Purchase of reserved #s
o Oil spills – who pays? Region (not competitor)
o Bridge lights – remove
o Re-wording needed on Minor Waivers due to National’s new forms
o Per GCR – no Supps needed to open event, can be sent to registered later
o Season Subscriptions – pre-pay only, and no refunds
 Discussion and Motion passed on new Reserved #s policy: driver can keep thru participation of more than ½ “home” races, $25 each number to keep for season from open pool, vendors must pay as well as individuals, but get priority from prior year’s usage.
 Shirley T. to Chair the Labor Day Charity with assistance by committee, need addt’l volunteers.
 Greg McD. introduced drawing for free entry for those entered 2 weeks prior and for workers at
random drawing for gift card.
 Advanced Race Operations School Sat Feb 24 @ 12:30 – email to all Chiefs, get word out, will go over all aspects, not just F&C.
 NAME CHANGE of program: officially “Road” Racing (instead of “Club”), must update all website, Supps, all instances of the name.
 Missing Man: M1 = Anne Callihan MLD = Shirley Wantland