Minutes: January 27, 2017 CRC Planning Meeting
Meeting called to order at 8:33
27 in attendance. 16 voting members
One Proxy - Mark Lillier representing small Bore
1- Director of Club Racing Greg McDermott notes that Draft Budget presented to Board and it was approved with minor changes. Primarily, it was missing Driving School instructor gift
2- Greg McDermott introduces marketing plan presented by Michael Root of Long Range Planning Committee
Michael introduces marketing/long term planning committee + Regional Executive Paul Anderson
Identified no current mission statement.
Need for new marketing methods
Trends show lower car counts and rising costs. Death Spiral.
WDCR will enter trade agreement with MotorHeadMedia (racingjunk.com)
Greg McDermott noted that we need to verify that the midway space is compliant with our vendor agreement.
Paul Anderson points out that we are trying to get participants, not members
Dave Sterling (Start) asked about MotorHeadMedia local presence.
Local customer list is over 20,000
Pam Richardson (Big Bore) suggested safety gear rentals as opposed just starter safety gear package for purchase
Pam also suggested getting slides from Social Media presentation @ convention.
Paul Anderson mentioned that presentations from convention are on the main website
Heidi S. Weir (Region Admin) asks how we track success
participation trends.
“Where did you hear about us” question in registration
Greg McDermott asks if we should consider alternative schools?
Shirley Thompson (grid) asks for more active marketing at Races. Pamphlet availability, manned tent.
Pam Richardson suggests handing out weekend membership forms at gate and club racing paying for it if they sign up.
Tom Broring (Chief Instructor ) suggests we need to be able to direct people to where they really need to be.
meeting set for next week w/ marketing firm LMO, will see what they can provide and bring suggestions to BoD mtg in February
3 - Race group makeup
Mark Lillier (Small Bore) presented a number of options that were distributed to all CRC members. Most involve shifting other groups into Big Bore and going to 7 run groups
Greg McDermott states that all options on the table and asks if people want more track time, or to not run with Big Bore
Chris Blough (SRF/SRF 3) Most valuable resource is track time.
Tim Jacobs (SM) suggests PDX track time as opposed to Bracket Racing
RE Paul Anderson states that the time value of doing so cannot compete with Track Days
Chuck DeHaven (ITS) says we promote racing through PDX already.
Graham Taylor (Pace Car) brings up ride arounds. Full session?
Greg McDermott wishes to have a separate discussion on that.
Pause for "sidebars" to discuss race groupings
Chuck DeHaven mentioned that we used to run 9 groups that ran fine.
Greg McDermott mentioned that was the time when we also had 320 cars
Heidi S. Weir said that the workers thought day was too long with 9
Michael Root (SRX7) asks to consider if marketing will fill out Big Bore.
RE Paul Anderson asks about varying run groups based on car counts. 8 groups when large car count weekends, 7 for low car counts
Chris Blough asks if we can adjust number of run groups with influx of entries
Heidi S. Weir points out reserved numbers problems
Gregg Ginsburg (ITA+) brings up the safety issue, BB drivers threatened to leave Labor Day Double if not split out.
John Nesbitt (CS) points out that there is always a contingency to collapse groups. Since We group FV with P1, the safety argument has already been argued against successfully.
MOTION Shirley Thompson makes motion for option A3. Mike High (F&C) seconds.
Gregg Ginsburg states that ITA and ITB are running the same lap times. That is something that they do not want.
Pam Richardson comments that ITS into Big Bore would be a real challenge and STU fought the move last year.
Mark Lillier mentions that STU is ok moving.
Chuck Allard (ITB) and Chuck DeHaven say members they represent want to stay in the same group, they run well together.
Chris Blough asks if No change was an option, would Pam and Mark prefer that.
Pam Richardson thinks B3 works the best.
Mark Lillier says 20% of small bore prefer B3. The rest no change.
Gregg Ginsburg suggests combine ITA with SM, with drivers reps both against it. ITR back to Big Bore, SM5, SRX7 and T4 to Small Bore
MOTION WITHDRAWN by ShirleyThompson.
MOTION Chuck Dehaven motions for B3, Mike High seconds.
Gregg Ginsburg suggests bring STL back to Small Bore, and move SRX7 to SM
call to question. 5 in favor, 11 opposed. MOTION FAILS
MOTION Pam Richardson motions to keep run groups as are, Michael Root seconds. Amended to not combine Big Bore with any other group but cancel run group
John Nesbitt comments that the guideline for eliminating a race group would be 5 cars on Wednesday before race
Chris Blough comments that tiny run groups does not help the sport
Heidi S. Weir says that people hate changes to schedule/run group order, need to set & keep so they can make plans
Tom Broring asks if we can keep general configuration and tune
Paul Anderson calls on Drivers Reps to get drivers to petition SCCA National to reduce number of classes.
Mike High asks for number of times run groups were modified last year. 3 times
Michael Root offers to amend that BB cannot be combined with any other run group, Pam Richardson accepts
Call to question. 10 for, 6 against. MOTION PASSES
4 - Race format
MOTION Chuck Allard for same format, Chris Blough seconds.
Call to Question. 15 in favor, 1 opposed MOTION PASSES
MOTION by Mike High, to allow 25 laps for BB at the June MARRS series. Second Chuck
MOTION PASSES unanimously.
5 - Race group order - keep same.
Asst Director Greg Nagy said that Drivers Rep for Wings and Things in 2016 asked to be moved
to other slot from after SSM
MOTION by Chris Blough, seconded by Mike High to keep the run group order the same as in 2016.
MOTION PASSES unanimously
6 - Rules changes
Automatic change to Title "OFFICIAL 2016 2017 MARRS Championship Rules"
Automatic change to 3.C "To be eligible for year-end class championship and runner-up awards, a driver must turn a wheel in at least 5 of the 10 11 feature races in that class during the course of the season".
MOTION by Chris Blough, seconded by Mike High to change the last line of 7.B to read
"Any challenge or protest of the points for a race must be filed with the DCR within 14 7 days of the results being posted on the website.”
MOTION PASSES unanimously.
MOTION by Tim Jacobs to change 6.A to read "In the spirit of series competition, competitors may accumulate points from no more than 4 5 of the qualifying races and 7 of the feature races. Standings will be computed using each competitor's best results; however, any race in which that driver is disqualified MUST contribute to their year-end total."
Seconded by Chris Blough
Call to question 12 for, 0 against, 4 abstain. MOTION PASSES.
7 - Discussion for modifying rules to require undersubscribed races to be first drops.
This was tabled to come up with wording and Greg McDermott said he will pass around suggestions via email and have electronic voting to come up with the best final amendment to the rules.
Meeting closed at 12:20 by Greg McDermott