Minutes: Jan. 14 BoD Meeting
January Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: January 14, 2017 at 7:00 AM
LOCATION: Holiday Inn, Chantilly VA
Meeting Called to order at 8:30 AM.
Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Chuck Edmondson
Dave Fitzgerald
Steve Salisbury
Members Absent:
Eric Wallgren
Brian Garfield
Anne Callihan (Delayed by Traffic)
Minutes from November meeting were amended and a motion to approve by Wallgren with Salisbury Second unanimous vote. At the request of the Secretary a discussion was held concerning approving and posting the monthly meeting minutes when they have been completed rather than waiting till the next meeting for approval. This was agreed to and will start with these minutes.
Note: Anne Callihan arrived 8:40 AM
Total CR Fund as of 12.31.2016- $739604.96
In Solo Fund as of 12.31.2016- $10,678.61
In Region Checking as of 12.31.2016- $161,909.54
Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 01/14/2017) - $159,501.94
The Club finished last fiscal year (2016) on the positive side of the ledger sheet. All the Programs were very close to, or exceeded, their budget projections. As Treasurer, I’d like to thank all the Program Chairs for maintaining financial discipline when dealing with the inevitable challenges that occur throughout the year.
There was a discussion on the investment of the CR Fund and it was decided to invite Aaron Meisner to the February meeting.
The first CRC planning meeting was held last Saturday. They are reluctant to continue the bracket racing trial without a marketing plan. Bob Crawford is working on a preliminary PR budget which would include bracket racing promotions. The CRC would like to continue the special pricing & discounted entries for the Driver school.
I have signed the two contracts with Turf Valley for the 2017 MiniCon and the awards
banquet, both on the same weekend in November.
I have invited Barbara Scott, Chris White and Doug Allison of Summit Point to the banquet as guests of the Region. We have also comped Stan Damren’s family as he will be getting one of the awards.
There will (hopefully) be a discussion at the convention about the future of the Majors
In the absence of the Club Racing Rep using RE’s notes from the CRC Planning meeting that took place Jan 5th
- Looks like no increase in entry fees
- MARRS series will end at an away track (this year)
- 4 away MARRS - VIR, NJMP (lightning), PittRace, VIR (Goblins Go)
- Driver School incentive to continue (Board to approve)
- Three weeks out from School there will be a $100 "convenience" fee for the Region to process novice permits
- Code 35 approved
- Much discussion about Bracket Racing. Promotional plan to be in place for CRC to approve for 2017
- Much discussion about race groups, action deferred to next meeting
We are charging ahead and it is going to be very busy for the next month.
We are wrapping up preparations for the 2016 banquet and making plans for the 2017/NEDIV Mini-Con later in the year.
I have been working to streamline and eliminate items in the budget which we haven't used
and can do without.
Have begun working on a date(s) for a 2-day event at Dominion. Nothing else to report.
I am starting work on the 2017 sponsors and will be making my calls early next week.
I do hope/plan to do more outreach type events (car shows and pro motorsports events) to
get the word out on what we have to offer
Confirmed plan to use The Rally Farm in Catlett, VA exclusively in 2017.
Nothing else to report
Nothing to Report
Sam Vasallo has officially taken over for Evanthe Salisbury, David Sann, and Shawn Roberts.
Contract for FedEx Field has been signed for 8 events (1 Practice, 7 Championship).
Season Subscriptions have opened.
Three Schools are scheduled for April 1st, 2nd, and May 6th.
Cost of Competition Events has gone up $5 with increases in school participant costs as well.
Bylaw committee discussion: Work on bylaws continues major item left is finalizing Term Lengths and Limits currently looking like final outcome will be 3 year terms with a maximum of 3 terms. Wording is also being developed to transition from current 2 year terms to 3 year terms over a period of 2 election cycles.
Memorial Committee: The Chairman has asked to be replaced. RE reports that he has talked with Steve Miller who has accepted. Motion by Snyder to appoint Steve Miller as Chairman, 2nd Toland vote unanimous.
Annual Budget presentations began at 9:40 after a short break.
Discussions concluded at 11:40 with a motion by Snyder to approve the Region Budget, 2nd
Edmondson vote unanimous.
Motion to Adjourn Toland, 2nd by Edmondson Vote Unanimous.
Meeting ended 11:45