Minutes: Feb. 13 BoD Meeting
February Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: February 13, 2017 at 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Holiday Inn, College Park, MD
Meeting Called to order at 7:05PM
Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Chuck Edmondson
Lin Toland
Eric Wallgren
Dave Fitzgerald
Brian Garfield
Members Absent
Steve Salisbury
Members Absent:
Anne Callihan
Robert Crawford: Membership / PR Chair
Michael Root: PR
Chris White: Motorsports Director SPMSP
Minutes from January meeting Approved Motion: Wallgren, 2nd: Anderson, Vote: Unanimous
In CR Investment Fund as of 01.31.2017- $570,631.57
In Solo Fund as of 01.31.2017- $10,678.61
In Region Checking as of 02/11/2017- $147, 725.17
2017 Budget has been approved. Nothing to report. We have had no racing events in 2017.
Dennis Dean had suggested that WDCR, as one of the oldest regions in SCCA, should have its own Hall of Fame. I had thought it was a good idea and have contacted Bruce Brunner of the San Francisco region to gather information. They had started a HOF several years ago. I’ve also talked with Hannah Lynch, Regional Historian, and she is willing to chair the committee. This may be a good idea for us to pursue and I have placed it on the board February agenda.
It has also been suggested to me that Bill Scott would be a great candidate for the national Hall of Fame. I have emailed the persons responsible for selection at national and are waiting for a reply. We can then either add material to what is already on file for him if he has been suggested before or submit a new petition on his behalf.
I presented Regional Executives awards to Ted Cahall, Robert Crawford, David Sann, Shawn Roberts, Evanthe Salisbury and Heidi S. Weir at the 2017 Awards Banquet.
The 2017 Solo contract with FedEx Field has been prepared and I have signed it. The PDX contract for a September event at Dominion is close to finished and I expect to have it for signature before I go on vacation.
Bob Crawford and Michael Root have been working on sponsorship and public relations
activities for the region. Dave Fitzgerald and I participated in a meeting with Bob and Michael at LMO, a strategic marketing firm based in Washington. LMO has since provided a proposal to the Region. I’ve invited Chris White to attend the BOD meeting to see the materials which Michael and Bob have been working on and to talk about cooperative marketing opportunities with Summit Point.
Chuck Edmondson has resigned as chair of the Long Term Planning committee. Note: Lin Toland assumed chairmanship of the committee.
CRC held its 2nd pre-season planning meeting on Jan 28. After 2 hours of discussion and consideration of 9 different alternatives to re-allocate car classes to reduce to 7 race groups and address the small car counts in the Big Bore race group, the CRC voted to remain at 8 race groups for 2017. MARRS schedule and format are now set for 2017.
Michael Root presented the region's marketing plan to the CRC, and it was very well received. The presentation generated a lot of questions and discussion.
Drivers School registration is open. Supps for MARRS 1 currently being drafted.
Registration will probably be open within the next week. Coordination with NEDIV for planning for late April Majors also underway.
On 1/27/17, several members met with w/LMO Advertising to discuss a PR/Marketing plan for the WDCR to help address declining active membership across our programs, specifically Club Racing.
WDCR Members present at the meeting were Paul Anderson, Michael Root & Dave Fitzgerald. Bob Crawford and Taylor Hyatt called in remotely.
LMO Attendees included, Scott Laughlin - Founder, Mike Kapetanovic - President, Chris Rothrock - Media Director, Oronde Vaughan - Sr Art Director.
Goals set during this meeting were to recruit 100 new drivers to Driver’s School at Summit Point, March 17-19, 2017 and attract new members into club racing for 2017. The long term goal is to increase membership and more importantly active participation in the club racing program.
A proposal was received on 2/7/17 and a follow-up call with Kendria Perry occurred on 2/8/17 on to review and clarify some areas of the proposal.
Michael Root has been in similar discussions with WTOP regarding an advertising campaign utilizing their radio and website outlets.
Michael Root has been in discussions with racingjunk.com regarding a trade-style agreement for advertising the WDCR’s programs in exchange for in-kind advertising of the racingjunk.com website and services on our various social media platforms and WDCR events.
Bob Crawford and Michael Root will be at the February BoD meeting to present these proposals and their recommendations to the Board.
WJLA Meteorologist Veronica Johnson, an avid sportscar enthusiast has been invited to attend a WDCR event in 2017.
The WDCR SCCA banquet was held at the Turf Valley Resort in MD on Saturday 2/4/17.
Bob Crawford, Taylor Hyatt and Michael Root continue to research marketing opportunities in the Region’s area. Future member events include Karting at Autobahn Speedway in Jessup MD and an online simulator racing league.
Kicking off our pre-season planning meeting on 2/18 at Art Jaso's place. We have a tentative date for Dominion - 9/16-17 - working on contract now. Possible 3 new committee members have expressed interest.
Not presented
Not presented
Little to report the Budget was approved and FedEx Contract has been signed.
Bylaw committee discussion: Work on bylaws continues. One major item is finalizing Term Lengths and Limits.
Currently looking like final outcome will be 3 year terms with a maximum of 3 terms. Wording is also being developed to transition from current 2 year terms to 3 year terms over a period of 2 election cycles.
DC Region Hall of Fame: Discussion concerning establishment of an Electronic Hall of Fame for DC Region members deserving of such an honor. The RE has had preliminary discussions the Region Historian who has agreed to Chair a Committee.
Motion Toland, 2nd: Fitzgerald
Establish a Hall of Fame Committee, with Hannah Lynch serving as Chair oversee the process to establish a DC Region Hall of Fame. Approved Unanimous
PR Committee: PR Committee presented a lengthy presentation on various proposals for the Region involving several partnerships, website redesign and advertising. After lengthy debate:
Motion Garfield, 2nd Wallgren
- Accept no-cost Partnership Agreement with RacingJunk.com
- Pursue a contract with an appropriate vendor for development of new WDCR Web Page with continued support for one year. PR Committee is to attempt to negotiate monthly support costs. Limit of the contract is $12,000. Approved Unanimous
Pennsylvania Hillclimb Association (PHA) requested permission to conduct 3 events within
Mar 27-18: Jefferson Circuit at SPMSP hosted by Blue Mountain Region SCCA
Aug 5-6: Polish Mountain Hillclimb Flintstone MD hosted by Steel Cities Region SCCA
Sept 2-3: Shenandoah Circuit at SPMSP hosted by Steel Cities Region SCCA
Motion to approve by Toland, 2nd Wallgren approved unanimous vote.
MARRS Rules Amendments:
With the extending the MARRS Series to 11 Feature changes some changes were required for the Rules. The requested changes are:
3. Competitor and Class Requirements to Receive MARRS Points
3.C To be eligible for year-end class championship and runner-up awards, a driver must turn a wheel in at least 5 of the 11 feature races in that class during the course of the season.
6. Maximum Points
6.A In the spirit of series competition, competitors may accumulate points from no more than 5 of the qualifying races and 7 of the feature races
7. Authority and Administration
7.B The Director of Club Racing (DCR) shall appoint a “Pointskeeper” prior to the start of the MARRS season. After each MARRS race, the pointskeeper, with the assistance of Timing & Scoring and the region administrator, shall determine the points for that race and publish the points on the region website within 14 days of the race. Any challenge or protest of the points for a race must be filed with the DCR within 7 days of the results being posted on the website
Motion to Approve changes above: Wallgren, 2nd Toland Vote Unanimous.
WDCR iRacing League
Dave Fitzgerald had prepared a package on a Region Sponsored iRacing League which was provided as Read-Ahead material for the BoD. He had submitted a budget and requesting
$505 funding for a 5 race league.
Motion to approve as presented: Edmondson, 2nd Garfield Vote Unanimous
Motion to Adjourn Toland, 2nd by Garfield Vote Unanimous.
Meeting ended 10:17 PM