Washington D.C. Region SCCA (WDCR SCCA)

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Minutes: Aug. 7 BoD Meeting

August Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: August 7th, 2017
LOCATION: Holiday Inn, College Park, MD
Meeting Called to order at 7:03 PM.

Members in Attendance:
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Dave Fitzgerald
Chuck Edmondson
Eric Wallgren
Anne Callihan

Members Absent
Brian Garfield
Steve Salisbury

Minutes from July had been previously approved, unanimously, via email.

In CR Investment Fund as of 06.30.2017- $686,403.24
In CR Cash Fund as of 06.30.2017- $100,006.36
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $786,409.60
In Solo Fund as of 07.31.2017- $18,688.61
In Region Checking as of 07.31.2017- $105,944.00
Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 08/07/2017) - $174,780.45

Club racing had two events come up substantially short on the budgeted number competitors. Expenses are being trimmed back to mitigate the loss.

I have signed the contract with Dominion Raceway for the September PDX and Time Trials. I was able to negotiate a price concession to help us should we have a low entry again this year. The price concession will kick in if we have a net loss on the event.

I have also signed the contract with Sport Creative for development of a new web site. Approval for a contract for this work was granted at the February 2017 BOD meeting. Work has already begun.

Greg McDermott and I met with Summit Point on August 1st to begin discussions on the 2018 -
2019 track contract. We were able to finalize a new contract with no increase in track rental for Club Racing and a relatively small increase for PDX. The PDX rate is now close to what others are paying. I will be presenting the new contract to the Board for approval at the August meeting.

There was an interesting discussion, during the Saturday down time, at the last MARRS about
the future of club racing and how we can enhance our program. I intend to speak to several of the parties about how we could include more new programs. I’ve also included a preliminary discussion on the agenda for this board meeting.

MARRS entry numbers remained down at both July events. The last three MARRS weekends
have seen participation 20 – 25% below projected. MARRS 7 ended up being a one-day event due to track flooding that washed out all on-track activities on Saturday. The Saturday cancellation further reduced entries as 20-25 entrants canceled for the weekend due to Saturday weather. Summit Point gave the Region a 50% reduction in track rental due to the un-raceable condition of the track on Saturday. We have passed the bulk of that discount on to those drivers who stuck with us and raced on Sunday, in the form of credits toward a future Summit Point race. The DCR would like to acknowledge the excellent work done by the Region’s Emergency Services crew in getting the track back to raceable condition, including procuring a 6 inch pump that enabled the removal of tens of thousands of gallons of water from the carousel.

The Open CRC Meeting will be held on Sunday of the Labor Day MARRS. All BoD candidates
are invited to attend and introduce themselves at the meeting.

As of 31 July 2017, the Washington DC Region of SCCA has 2495 active members according to national reporting; 63 memberships expired in July 2017 and 169 members have birthdays in August.

Planning continues for the 2017 Season Awards Banquet at Turf Valley Resort on 11
November 2017

The contract for the website redesign has been approved and signed. Rachel with
SportCreative has signed the NDA and will begin reviewing the current website in more depth and will coordinate with Michael Root to go over the next steps. Rachel will also meet with Heidi and possibly a second person to provide some basic training and instructions on how to make minor updates to website content once the site is live.

As reported in the July minutes, we have received OG Racing’s payment and a payment from Radial Tire is expected soon. The trade agreement with RacingJunk remains unchanged and we are fulfilling our requirements as agreed. We continue to seek additional sponsorship opportunities for the 2018 season.

The quarterly Straightpipe issue is nearly complete and should be out shortly. The abbreviated ‘Straightpipe Blast’ was released on Friday 8/4/17.

Taylor Hyatt is doing an excellent job of organizing activities and functions at MARRS event weekends and we continue to investigate new membership outreach events for the remainder of 2017.

July went pretty well, considering. A couple of mechanicals, but no actual incidents from  impacts. Small fire in the paddock from a busted power steering line.

Big issue remains instructors and workers. Instructors mainly limit Novices - we can solo most of the intermediates, but Novices really need someone.

For workers, we're going to get more aggressive with perks, and start offering up gas cards in addition to W3G1F going forward (already budgeted). Going cut into "profits" a bit, but this was already in the numbers from the beginning.

September at Dominion should be open shortly, and that will be PDX and Club Trials. Lin (Toland) is chairing that event. Trying to reach out more to the regions down there to get some support.

No Report Submitted.

No Report Submitted.

The latest with Solo is that they are investigating lesser expensive options for truck/trailer, including the idea of reverting back to a commuter bus and having a small trailer in tow. This is showing to be more economical than a refurb on the F550 and buying a small trailer.

The solar option they've converted too is not only working well, but even better than expected. This has been a great purchase.

Election Committee:

There has been one new Candidate to submit his petition which has been approved. Mr. Alan
Olson will be added to the ballot. Heidi continues work to collect Bios and photos of the candidates for the Web Page and ballot. All is continuing on schedule.

Bylaw Revision:
Due to intricacies of how Motorsportreg works, we decided to open voting for both directors and the bylaws at the same time and as soon as possible following the last day for nominations. The last day for nominations is 8/11/2017.

Summit Point Contract
BoD was briefed on the contents of the 2018-2019 Contract with Summit Point. There are no increased in Track Rent for Club Racing but there are increases in the Track Rent for PDX which were expected. Additionally, starting with 2018 there will be a $15 charge for each bag of Oil Dry used. There will also be a $5 a day increase in the cost of Paddock Electric. On the other side there will be no charge for any Spectators for our events.

Motion to Approve the contract as briefed by the RE: Wallgren, 2nd: Callahan, Vote Unanimous.

Summit Point Pavilion
The RE was informed that Summit Point would like to build Pavilion in the area to the Right of the MACH V Track Store. This is expected to be large enough to support larger groups, have a Hard Roof and rollup walls to seal it in. The track is in initial stages of seeking estimates and indicated they would be seeking donations from the major customers.

The Future of Club Racing
Given the reality that entries are way down for a number of reasons it was felt that it is time to
start to consider what Club Racing might look like in the future. There was a spirited conversation that considered; Bracket Racing, Vintage Racing, even combining multiple disciplines was discussed.

Entered Executive Session 8:38 PM
Ended Executive Session 9:14 PM
Motion to Adjourn:
Lin Toland, 2nd: Callihan, Vote Unanimous.

Meeting ended 9:17 PM