Minutes: Dec. 12 BoD Meeting
December Monthly Meeting Region BoD
DATE: December 12th, 2017
LOCATION: Comfort Inn Capital Beltway, Beltsville, MD
Meeting Called to order at 7:00 PM.
Members in Attendance:
Wayne Armbrust
Paul Anderson
Mike Snyder
Lin Toland
Dave Fitzgerald
Shawn Roberts
John Nesbit
Alan Olson - Via phone
Ms. Heidi Weir, Region Administrator
Minutes from the Nov BoD meeting had been previously approved by the 2016-2017 BoD.
Minutes of the Dec 1st Electronic Meeting to elect officers had been previously approved, unanimously.
Treasurers Report 12.12.2017
In CR Investment Fund as of 11.30.2017- $727,872.47
In CR Cash Fund as of 11.30.2017- $100,095.18
(total Merrill Lynch Funds from both above: $827,967.65
In Solo Fund as of 11.30.2017- $18,688.61
In Region Checking as of 11.30.2017- $154,187.35
Current operating balance in Checking Account (as of 12/12/2017)= $148,634.01
We are 1/3 of the way into the midst of a transition to three year terms. One of our priorities at this meeting is to determine the transition process. Part of that transition will require shortened terms for up to three people.
Services for Anne Callihan were held on 02 December. The venue was crowded to standing room only. A vast majority of those attending were SCCA members and friends. There is currently a vacancy on the BoD that will require an appointment to fulfill the remainder of Anne’s position on the BoD.
Summit Point Update:
Summit Point management has moved away from offering the FATT program as an option for WDCR to manage and operate.
The request for funding assistance for the Washington circuit paving is being held for further
action by Summit Point management continues to develop plans and bid quotes.
Dominion Raceway:
On Wednesday 29 November, Paul Anderson and I traveled to Fredericksburg, Virginia. The business portion of the meeting was with Edwin Pardue. The visit included a tour of the track and facilities. The subject of a PDX event for the 2018 season was discussed. The track manager made an offer to reduce rental cost to the PDX program in event of a 2018 visit. This information was sent to Chuck Edmundson as the Chair of the PDX Program for consideration.
I have been in touch with Dan Cadwick of Drivingevals.com. and Ann Maycock of MSR. Both groups have been advised or our interest and intent to work with them to get an evaluation system into place.
They are both aware they will be working directly with one of our Directors and Program Chair to work out the details and arrange adequate data limitations and suitable NDA agreements.
The December preseason CRC meeting was held this part Saturday. Attendance was somewhat spotty with a late arrival being needed for a quorum. Discussion items are below (in no particular order):
Several alternatives for out or region MARRS events were discussed. A final vote was for VIR on May 5-6, Watkins Glen on July 7-8 and a, sort of, double with both NJMP Thunder and PittRace on August 11-12. his could possibly be revised at the January CRC meeting, but unlikely.
There were two relatively minor rule revisions for SSM and GTP proposed and both were
There was much discussion about Driver’s School in March and the lack of open wheel entries the last couple of years. It was suggested that we hold a race group open for open wheel until
approximately two weeks before the event. If there are not a minimum number (TBD) of entries, then that group would be dropped and entries refunded. There is also the possibility of an alternative school in conjunction with the first MARRS for open wheel only – no firm action on this yet. There was a consensus that the school must deliver a “quality of experience” to new people.
Budget issues were discussed and it was mentioned that entry fees would need to rise for 2018 to try and prevent a short fall as in 2017.
There is substantial concern among the committee about MARRS l and the VIR SuperTour being on the same date. (It should be noted that Greg and I both checked with National before finalizing our date with Summit. After being assured that VIR had a certain date, we booked with the track and National then changed the SuperTour date anyway.) Alternatives discussed were to swap the School date with MARRS l or trying to swap dates with whatever group has the first weekend in April and then swapping the PDX and School dates. There is more work to be done on this issue.
The possibility of bringing back the Wash DC championship, in addition to MARRS, was
discussed. The DC championship would be scored only at Summit Point races.
Chuck Edmondson delivered a presentation on Bracket Racing. The only issue to be resolved is how to tech the SCCA class non-compliant cars and issue log books. Advertising for Bracket Racing will appear in the December Grassroots Motorsport. It was agreed that Bracket will run as a ninth race group.
The next CRC meeting is set for January 6th at the North Chevy Chase church.
As reported from the SCCA National database on December 7, 2017 the WDCR has a total of 2,280 active members. We acquired 11 new members in November and 95 memberships expired on 11/30/2017.
The 2nd season of the WDCR iRacing league is more than halfway through the season with 6 of the 10 scheduled events completed. To date we have averaged 24 participants and 106 views on the YouTube channel and 1,253 views on the region’s Facebook page. Trophies for the class championship will be awarded after the final race and there’s a possibly we’ll hold a very informal awards dinner in January.
The PR and Sponsorships was not provided by the Committee Chair.
Very little change from last month.
Chuck Edmondson takes over as Chair from Travis Dixon. The other PDX leadership
remains unchanged.
2018 PDX schedule includes only one Summit Point Main event, which is a blow to the
program. Some verbal (only) indication from BSR that the second date will be restored for 2019, but nothing in writing.
After the large loss at the Dominion event this year, the track has approached the PDX
leadership with a proposal for better terms in 2018. Still under discussion.
Very preliminary discussion around repurposing a segment of the Club Racing Driver School
(if the DS goes to two groups) for an advanced PDX event of some kind.
The rescheduled points event #7 had 55 drivers participate.
Overall for the season driver numbers were up slightly from 2016 despite low numbers from the rescheduled events in the spring.
Currently working on the 2018 schedule.
No Report Submitted.
Still awaiting finalization from FedEx on the schedule and also waiting for the numbers from
Summit on the paving program.
Transition to from Two to Three Year BoD Terms.
The newly approved Bylaws have changed the election cycle of the Board of Directors. We have changed from 2 yr terms with 4 directors being elected one year and 5 directors the next to 3yr terms and 3 directors being elected each year. After extensive discussion a motion was made:
The Motion made by Director Toland and seconded by Director Anderson is as follows:
- Of the four 2017 elected Directors: Armbrust, Roberts and Olsen will serve 3 year terms.
- In 2018 Five Director seats come up for election; Three seats will be filled by the highest 3 vote counts and these will be 3 year terms. Two Directors shall be appointed to fill 1 year terms.
- In 2019 Three Director seats come up for election finishing the transition. It should be noted that Director Nesbitt volunteered to fill a 2-year seat.
Vote: Unanimous in favor.
DrivingEvals Agreement
Work continues with DrivingEvals and MSR representatives. Director Nesbitt agreed to oversee this discussion item.
Summit Point Comments:
The RE indicated that he had received a very nice Thank You Note from Track management thanking us for the $15,000 donation to Safety Improvements. Work on the Armco Barriers has started.
Vacant Director Position
There had been a series of electronic exchanges between the Directors on this topic.
Motion: Director Snyder, Seconded Director Anderson to appoint Mike McKee to complete the term of Director Anne Callihan who passed away. There is 1 year remaining on this term.
Vote: Unanimous in Favor
Appointment of Washington DC Region Program Chairs:
Motion: Director Snyder, Seconded Director Toland to appoint the following Region Members as Chairman of their respective Programs:
Solo (Autocross) : Sam Vassallo
PDX (Track Days) : Chuck Edmondson
RallyCross : Adam Kimmett
Road Rally : Eric Salminen
Vote: Unanimous in Favor
It is noted that the Director of Club Racing was appointed at the November meeting.
Appointment of Club Racing Specialty Chiefs:
Annually the BoD must approve the slate of Specialty Chiefs proposed by the Director of Club Racing. That slate is:
Emergency Services : Steve Huemmer
Flagging & Communications : Mike High
Grid : Shirley Thompson
Pace Car : Graham Taylor
Pit : Angela Slocum
Registration : Betty Harrison
Sound Control : Jim Rose
Start : Dave Sterling
Tech/Scrutineering : Vacant
Timing & Scoring : Duffy Brown
Chief Instructor Drivers School : Tom Boring
Motion: Director Snyder, Seconded Nesbit to approve the Specialty Chiefs proposed by the Director of Club Racing.
Vote: Unanimous in favor
The BoD also acknowledges the appointment, of Kathy McLeod as the Stewards Representative
The revised Rule Sets for the Regional Only Classes SSM and GTP were forwarded to the BoD for approval having already been approved by the CRC.
Motion: Director Anderson, Seconded Director Fitzgerald: To approve the revised Regional Class Rule Sets and forward them to SCCA National for final Approval.
Vote: Unanimous
There was discussion by the BoD on setting the Price for Drivers School.
Motion: Director Anderson, Seconded Director Olson to allow Club Racing to set the price for Drivers School but also indicate they should continue the $100 Discount for the 1st three home MARRS Events.
Vote: 4 In Favor: Toland, Fitzgerald, Anderson, Olson; 2 opposed: Snyder & Roberts. Director
Armbrust Abstained.
Entered Executive Session: 8:42 PM
Ended Executive Session: 8:50 PM
Motion to Adjourn: Lin Toland, 2nd: Fitzgerald, Vote Unanimous.
eeting ended: 8:52PM